Chapter 5

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                                                                             Chapter 5

                                                                    Jordyn's P.O.V

              So my powers have been a gift, but they are also a curse. Aperrently I am Shredder's daughter,  the voices in my are trying to find my best friend and I, worst of all I have to meet a group of random people ontop of the Empire State Building at midnight. I am so nervous about what they might do to me. What if they DO find Jill and the turtles and...kill them?

            I snapped out of it and looked at my phone. It was 11:43 p.m; I only had seventeen minutes until I had to meet the people. I silently opened my door and looked down the stairs to see if anyone was awake. All was quiet. I grabbed my shoes and decided to put them on when I got outside. I tip-toed down the stairs. I opened the door, took a deep breath, and hesitantly walked out the door.

        I had my phone with me, but I knew there was a tracking device on it. I planted it in a little crevice between two bricks a little ways away from the door to the lair. I looked back and was about to turn around, but I knew I had to go and save my friends. I climbed up the ladder, picked up the heavy manhole, and stepped out in the cold December night.

                                                             Donnie's P.O.V

               Jordyn is really something. She isn't normal because well, she has telecenesis! She is smart, REALLY smart. Smarter than me. She is

            I walked up the stairs to get her up and ready for training with Master Splinter. I knocked on the door...there was no reply. I tried again... not a peep. I opened the door and saw she wasn't there. I looked all around the room in a panic. I looked in the closet, under her bed, in the bathroom; there was absolutley no sign of Jordyn.

           I ran down the stairs and gethered the boys because if Jill found out her best friend was missing, she would go insane.

             "Guys, Jordyn is missing."

          "What do you mean she's missing?!" Leo said with a great amount of worry.

        "I walked in her room five minutes ago and she wasn't there. I looked everywhere, there is absolutley no sign of her. We have to find her before...," my worst nightmare became reality; Jill woke up.

       "Hey yall! Where's Jordyn? We start training today." We all stood there in silence.

       "Guys, what's going on?" She started looking scared and worried. She put down her water bottle and started looking around the house. 

          That's when Mikey came in and said," Jordyn went to the store...we are out of milk,eggs, and...cinnomon!" He smiled sweetly and she fell for it.

            "Woo. You guys had me scared for a second. I guess she'll start training tomorrow." She picked up her water bottle, splashing us with droplets of water from the condensation. She got to the dojo and started with her katas. We all exchanged a glance of relief.

               "I'm going to look for Jordyn." They all looked at me like I had just spoken a different language.

                "Donnie are you insane?! I know you like her, but...," I interuppted Leo.

              "I am going to look for her. She could be in grave danger." Without another word, I grabbed my bo staff and walked out of the lair.

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