Chapter 17

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Jordyn's P.O.V

It was 3 O' clock in the morning and I awoke in alarm by a tapping on my shoulder; it was Jill.

"Jill, it's 3 in the morning. What's wrong?"

"We gotta get out of here."

"Why? If it's because you and Raphael broke up...,"

"That has nothing to do with it." I looked at her and could tell that was a lie.

"Okay, that's partily why, but it's because the boys don't trust you, I have been fighting with Leo and Raph, and you know...because of Raph."

"If we did leave, where would we go?"

"Virginia. I am 18 now and I am old enough to be a legal guardian, so you could live with me." I hesitated and realized that everything she said made sense and mabey this would be best for all of us.

"When do we leave?" She smiled and nodded.

"As soon as you're packed up. I've been packed for a few days."

"So, you've been leaving for a while now?" She nodded sadly.

"I'll go wherever you go. Come on, help me pack up."

"Okay. It's gotta be quick, we have a flight to catch." I looked at her and she shrugged her shoulders. I walked to my closet and got out my duffell bag. I threw all of my clothes in it and some of my picture frames. I grabbed my pillow and blanket and threw in a cardboard box.

"Jill. Where are we gonna stay?"

"I already bought a nice house in the country."

"How could you afford it?"

"My college money. There was four hundred thousand, so I spent one hundred seventy on the house and bought some nice furniture."

"Wow. You really going through with it." She kept packing up the rest of my picture frames.

"You ready?" I looked around and said," Yea. You?"

"I'm gonna miss the lair...and the guys, but I have to do what's for me and you." I nodded and grabbed my duffell bag and the small cardboard box.

"April's waiting in the alley for us."

"April? Why is she..,"

"She's taking us to the airport and is seeing us off." She looked so upset, but I said nothing. Jill's stuff was already with April and she had my big box and my 2nd duffell bag. I opened the door to the lair and Jill stood there,looking around the lair.

"You comin'?"

"Yea...give me a minute." I nodded my head and started making my way to the manhole in the alley. I walked up the ladder and whispered, "Bye." I was probably never going to see this place again. I pushed the manhole out of the way and threw my stuff in the trunk.

"Hey April."

"Hey Jordyn. You ready to go?"

"Yea, I guess."

"Hey. Be strong for Jill. This is very hard on her and after all the fighting and the break- up... life's tough for her right now." I nodded and saw Jill through the rearview mirror. She threw the rest of my stuff in the back.

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