Chapter 23

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       Jordyn's P.O.V


        Donnie has been the coolest boyfriend ever! He took me out to shoot my bow and arrow, he redid my arrows to where they're sharper, and he took me out.

        We sat on the roof of Jill's work and talked. I had six days until I had to be in New York, but I'm not going. As long as they hurt me instead of my friends...and boyfriend, then that's okay with me!

         "Hey Jordyn." Jill said, obviously exhausted. She had just woken up, as well as her boyfriend, Raphael.

         "You look so happy," I started sarcastically,"so, Donnie told me you and your brothers had to talk to us about something."

        "Yea. Come sit on the couch, so we can get it over with." Raph said with a yawn, grabbing Jill's hand. I followed them into the living room and sat on the couch beside Jill. The boys looked worried, so I knew it wasn't gonna end well.

        Okay so, you both know we have to head back to New York soon," Leo started," You girl's can stay here,OR, come back with us. It's all up to you two." I looked over at Jill and she looked confused. She sighed and walked back up to the kitchen. Raph could tell that something was up, so he followed her.

      "Hey, you okay?"

      "Um...yea. I'm good."

     "You're not tellin' me somethin'. What's goin' on?" All of us were close enough to hear what was being said, but not close enough to be seen.

   "Nothing. I'm good."

  "Yea no. You're not foolin' me Jill, somethins' up and I'm not leavin' till ya tell me." 

   "You are very persistant turtle."

   "I know. Now tell me before I force it outa' ya'." She sighed and walked to the counter. 

  "I don't know what to do. I love New York and wanna go back with yall, but Virginia is my home... I dunno what to do." He looked at her and sighed. He walked up to her and hugged her.

  "It's okay. You don't have to worry about it right now." She breathed a long sigh of relief and wrapped her arms around his neck, embracing him in a hug. She still looked super nervous, even though Raph told her to calm down.

   "When are you guys leaving?" His head shot up and he looked at Leo. He was now the one looking nervous. He signaled for his brothers to come into the kitchen and help him out. He had his hand on her back and he looked like he was about to scream.

    "We're leaving in six days." Donnie said in what was barley a whisper. Jill looked shocked at first, but it quickly turned into sadness. She walked away from Raph and trudged upstairs to her room. He put his head on the counter and sighed.

    "Raph, you okay?" I asked him quietly. He stood up and shook his head. He walked to the backdoor and headed out to the feild. I looked at the others and Donnie walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. 

       "Instead of him being miserable, shouldn't he be spending time with Jill...while he still has the chance?"

      "Yea. He'll come around in a couple of hours. He's just trying to wrap his head around everything that's going on. He'll be okay." Leo said, sounding somewhat unsure. I nodded and walked into the den. I looked out the window in the kitchen and saw Austin!

     "Donnie, I'll be right back." He let me up and looked at me curiously. I walked to the window he was in and opened it up.

     "Austin, get away from me!"

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