Chapter 16

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                               Raphael's P.O.V

                               It was almost midnight and wer were ontop of the Foot hideout. Jill was going to get rescued or I'd die trying.

                           "You guys ready?" Leo asked anxiously.

                          "As ready as we'll ever be." I replied for my other two brothers.

                        "Let's go!" We hopped from one part of the roof to another. We got to a big window and when I peeked through, I saw Jill tied up in a chair. I could hear Karii threatening her as Jordyn frowned and had a glint of worry in her eyes.

                        "You know, if you tell us where the turtles are than we'll kill them instead."

                       "You will have to kill me. I am not going to say a word as to where they might be."

                     "You are very stubborn and smug Jill. You'd make a great Foot ninja."

                   "Hell no! I have a family and we are ninja's."

                   "You call a group of turtles and a mutated rat, family? Some family you got there Jill." She looked pissed now.

                  "It's more of a family than a bunch of murderous ass-holes." She looked at Jill and stuck a knife in her thigh. She screamed in pain.

                    "Jordyn, time to start the countdown." Karii smirked at Jill as she and Jordyn stood side-by-side, counting down from ten.

                     "10, 9, 8," They started.  I looked at Leo and he said," Not yet." I looked back and they were already at four.

                    "3,2," At that moment, I jumped onto the glass window and fell in front of Jill, with my brothers close behind me.

                       "Touch her and my sais go through your throats!"

                      "Woah, ease up Raphael."

                      "Jordyn, I should kill you right now." She shot him an evil look.

                     "Jordyn, get a few more knives, ninja's, get a few more chairs for the turtles." They all did as they were told. We were all pushed into the chairs and tied up. It took every ounce of me not to choke them!

                     "Now, being that you guys turned yourselves in, I won't kill her... but I think I'll torture her a little bit more." She then stuck another knife in her shoulder. The same one she had a katana go through.

                     "STOP!" I yelled as I heard Jill scream in complete and udder pain. Karii laughed evily, while I noticed Jordyn looked scared. Blood was oozing down her arm and leg.

                     Jill was groaning die to the agonizing pain.

                    "I'M GONNA' KILL YOU!" 

                    "Like you could Raphael." SHe grinned and walked off. I looked over at Jill and saw her squirming. She slipped under the rope and pulled the 2 knives out of her and cut the rope around her ankles.

                    "I swear, the next time I see Karii, she's gonna get the beating of the century!" Jill bent over and started cutting the rope that was keeping us on the chairs. Once she got me out. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her.

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