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Jennifer POV

After that elevator awkward "situation" with Jack and his mom, he started showing up at the company more often, he never spoke to me directly, he just sends me a bunch of emails of things he needs me to sort out, argh this guy was really getting on my nerves.

His mom called me the other day, saying that she made my prenatal appointment for tomorrow morning, and that her SON would go pick me up at home.

Eww this pregnancy is killing me, I'm gaining more weight and My cravings are insane, I wish I could punch a hole through time, reach through, and kill him before the damage he did to me was irreparable. It's too late, but if I could go back and I would cut his balls off.

I was at my office finishing up some paper work, when my phone rang, one of my coworkers Mark was calling, since I started working here he has been nothing less than a cutiepie.

"Hey Jennifer, it's Mark. How have you been?"

"Hey, Mark, good and you?"

"Better now that I'm hearing your voice, are you still at work?"

"Hmmm yeah, but I will be leaving soon.Why?"

"I was wondering if you would like to go have a dinner with me, I mean it's okay if you don't, I just wanna get to know you better."

"Hmmm I don't know." I said

-I looked over At Jack's office and saw the lights on, and the evil part of me came out, why not make him jelly? It's the best chance I have to avenge my pride, he needs to see that he doesn't mean anything to me. That I moved on and that I found a new man.

"Okay but we can't take long, I have to wake up early tomorrow." I say.

"Okay I will there in five."

I knew I had nothing to lose, the guy I stupidly fall in love for don't even care about me, so I accepted it. Plus I need this, I need to get some fresh air, clear my mind.

I am a bit apprehensive because my feet hurts and it makes me moody, still I'm not backing off.

I finished sending my last email, and heard someone knocking at the door.

When I opened the door, he was like no guy I had ever seen, not as handsome as Jack but he was gorgeous, I was always so depressed because of Jack that I never took a chance to look at him properly, Mark hair was brown and shined like glistening chocolate. His warm eyes were like smooth raindrops of blue and green swirling together. He gave me the most heart melting smile.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yeah let's go." I closed the door behind me. While we were waiting for the lift, we talked about my pregnancy cravings, I felt so comfortable around him already.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Not really, my feet hurts."I sadly said.

"Let me carry you to the lift door then." He smiled.

"No, it's not necessary." Then seriously what he did next almost made me faint.

He scooped me up carefully in a bridal style, and carried me to the lift, when he put me down we were facing each other our mouths were centimeters away from each other.

"So how many weeks do you have?

"I will be sixteen weeks tomorrow."

"Can I touch ? He asked referring to my belly."

"Of course, I took his hand and put it on top of my bump."

He looked at me amazed, I can feel it moving.

"That's when I smiled, and he blushed, how cute. I could smell the devil cologne from the hallway, I heard his footsteps and turned.

"So I see your having fun without me." He says.

I took a step back in shock. His voice was so loud, so thunderous, that I couldn't concentrate on what he had said, only the tone in which he had said it.

Jack POV

He curled his upper lip to keep himself from speaking. His mind whirling with thoughts that only made him assume the worst. The feeling of jealousy was slowly growing into his skin, filling his blood. Making his eyes go dark, and his mouth become a straight line."

-He just looked at her. His mouth began to form the words his mind was screaming. "So I see your having fun without me," his voice was dark and the acid was practically dripping from the corners of his mouth."

"Pfff him seriously, she could have picked someone better at least, why would she pick him?"

Still I don't know why, but I envy him, the fact that he made her smile like that, why was she looking at him like she's in love ugh? She's definitely a whore, an arrant whore.

She was stupid, beautiful but stupid. I hated her. I had no reason to but I did. I hated her short curly hair, her bright eyes, her brown skin and perfectly white smile. I hated her amazingly bovacious body, and the fact she had moved on so fast. I hated her!

"No Mr.Russell, we were just talking about the convention next week and... She said." I almost laughed at her voice, she sounded like an old door, creaking on its rusting hinges, "Shush, you're coming with me."

The elevator door opened, I grabbed her arm, pushed her in, and closed it, while the asshole tried to get in.

She looked at me surprised and angry at the same time.

"WHAT??? Don't look at me like that. He can take the stairs."

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