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Jack POV

Looking at the white walls of the room, memories come rushing back of the first day I raced, it was one of the best days of my life, my dad surprised me and bought me a bike for my birthday, most of my friends looked at me weirdly why would I choose a bike over a car, even myself I don't know why, I just love feeling the air on my face.

My room was now full of Get well soon cards everywhere and also balloons.

I'm getting a lot of flashbacks, the doctor said it's okay, it means I'm getting my memories back.

I can't believe I didn't remember Jennifer, she's the best part of my life right now and I forgot her.

The doctor walked in with my mom and Brandon, and came over to the bed.

"Good your awake how are you feeling?" he asked.

With the little strength I had left I replied "I dont know I can't feel my legs."

My dad walks in, and hugs me tight almost killing me.

"How are you feeling?" he ask.

I clear my throat. I think I am about to shout. But all that comes out is a tiny whisper "I could be better, where's Jennifer?" I ask.

"She's in labor now son." My dad says, I felt a sea of anxiety deep down, it's too soon for that.

"Mom it's too soon, what's going on?" I asked

"Don't worry she's fine, I will go be with her, I just came to check on you." My mom says kissing me on the forehead and leaves.

The doctor looks at my dad and brother and motioned them to come outside with him.

As I watched them walk out of the room I felt the need to move my legs, I tried to move them, but sadly nothing happened.

The doctor and them walk back inside. And they all stare at me.

"Mr.Russell I'm sure you're wondering why you are not feeling your legs, we did some tests on you, and I'm afraid you're paralyzed, you won't be able to race for a while," the doctor explained.

Jessica and Kathleen walked in dramatically, gasped and started crying on my brother shoulder.

"But the good news is we think it may be only temporarily and you will make a recovery" he said quickly.

Jennifer POV

I am in a heavy black cloud. Nothing to see. Nothing to hear. Just this heaviness in my whole body. So heavy that I cannot move. I can't remember how to open my eyes. Then I start to hear noises. The buzz of machines. Clicking of feet near me. Quiet talking. I lie still. I strain to hear my mother voice.

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling extremely tired, and a huge pain in my lower parts.

I look around and see my mother, and Clayton talking in the corner of the room while Lisa is seated beside my bed.

I then remembered how my labor was painful, it was horrible and scary, after I just blacked out.

I tried to talk but I was too weak, Clayton and my mom came next to my bed and kissed me then the doctor walked in.

Lisa blinked and stared at the doctor in horror. Her hands trembled as she tried to make out the most devastating news he was giving us.

My heart was racing wildly and I felt breathless. Even I could not understand a word the doctor was carefully saying.

"How could it be that one of my babies died?" the question screamed in my head. With tears pouring down my cheeks, Lisa came and hugged me.

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