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Please listen to the song above while reading this chapter. "Thanks"

Jennifer POV

My fucking mind is a jumbled mess as my thoughts without destination suddenly were popping, should I or should I not speak about what just happened. How can I still allow him to control me like that.

I bobbed my head to the elevator music, trying to ignore the awkwardness that filled the elevator.

For a moment my breath hitched in my throat, I didn't look at him but I could feel his eyes deeply staring.

I took my phone out of my purse to text Mark, he's probably confused with what just happened.

"Are you texting your friend?".He asked, coming closer to me. I cleared my throat a little.

The best way to prevent this sort of things of never happening again is by ignoring him, at least for now.

I didn't answer.

"Listen here", he growled while getting even closer, " I hate being Ignored, look at me", he snatched the phone out of my hand, lifted high above my head and quickly typed something.

I tried to get it, my stomach rubbed against his, and he dropped my phone, I felt his large hands caressing my belly. Although I didn't want him laying his hands on me. At that instant it just felt right.

"I'm picking you up at 8am tomorrow, be ready when I get there," the doors opened.

"What about my phone you just broke it", I said and he looked at the crushed phone on the floor. He walked out leaving the smell of his masculine addictive cologne all over the elevator.

I saw a smirk on his face he walked back towards me.

He was so close I could feel his breath on my lips, I felt something burning inside me. Damn hormones.

I will buy you a new one. Oh! And William will take you home today. He whispered in my ears his warm breath caused my legs to tremble. When those last words left his mouth he connected his soft lips with my neck, kissing it softly, and that my friend made me burn with desire. I failed to control myself and let out a small moan.

With that he just left me craving for more and angry as a bull at the same time. I walked outside and saw Mark leaving, after all that happened I wasn't in the mood to crest a big lie for what he saw, I saw Jack driver outside and got in as fast as I could.

Next morning...

Jack picked me up on time, the car ride was silent, I had nothing to say neither him.

We walked in, Jack sat down, I checked in at the counter, gave them my ID and insurance cards and filled out all the paperwork.

After that, they called me back for my first ultrasound!

"Hmm do you wanna come", I asked him.

He just nodded like a little kid. I could see an excitement in his eyes.

That is SO exciting! I'm actually going to see my baby today. The room was small, and automatically the lady had me strip down from waist down.

"Wow ma'am is that really necessary." Jack asked laughing.

If stares could kill he would probably have been dead already. He looked at me and I saw the smile disappearing.

That IS VERY uncomfortable! She pulled back a curtain so I could have privacy (it was only her, Jack and myself in the room). Then she came on my side of the curtain when my pants were around my knees! That was pretty strange. She let me know I was going to have an internal and external ultrasound. That made me so nervous because I am very shy and JACK WAS THERE, I know he already saw me naked but still I wasn't prepared.

The external ultrasound was done first. That is the one on your belly.... It was crazy! Because even though you know you are pregnant, seeing your baby there is insane! Especially before you can feel him/her!

We both looked at the monitor, I didn't even realized I was crying he wiped out the tears, and hold my hand. I never saw this side of him. I was surprised.

Then, after all the cute stuff, she pulled out her huge vagina probe. That was very uncomfortable. She didn't really look at me, and the room was dark, but the probe itself was uncomfortable. Not painful, but uncomfortable for sure. It had a cover on it that felt scratchy. She moved it around so crazy I thought I would limp out of there. But then, she looked at me and asked if we wanted to know the sex!

I said yes, and knew then I was having a boy. Don't expect to find out that early, though. It is easier to find boy parts than girl parts and if you decide to find out the sex, you will have an ultrasound around 21 weeks and they tell you then. The next thing I had to do sucked! I went into the actual exam room and had my bloodpressure taken.

Then the doctor came in. He asked me if I had a recent pap smear, I had actually NEVER had one before! So I had to undress again, I can fell Jack piercing eyes staring at me, I get into a gown that tied in the front and wouldn't stay closed over my right breast!

The doctor had me lie back, and first did a breast exam. Then he did a pap smear. That sucks and it is uncomfortable, but it only takes a couple of minutes, so oh well. But funny story... I was so uncomfortable I didn't realize my entire right breast was hanging out! And the Jack had to cover it up!

That was all over very soon, and next was the dreaded.blood test! I have a terrifying phobia of having my blood drawn. I asked if they could do it in my hand (it hurts worse, but grosses me out less) and the nurse said she needed too many tubes of blood to do it in my hand! THAT SUCKED!

"It's alright I'm here, he stood next to my chair and I buried my head in his abs and let them do it. I don't know how many tubes they actually took, but it was a lot. It does not hurt that bad, but it is just really scary!"

Before I left, Jack paid for everything they gave him a little bag of samples and information, scheduled my next appointment.

"You don't have to take me home, I can get a cab." I said.

"I will take you home, please let me take you home." He pleaded.

I was shocked he seemed so vulnerable, I almost didn't recognized the beast.

"What's wrong with him?"

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