The Exams Begin.

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Hana work up early that morning with Sasuke and quickly ate breakfast. They walked with each other until their teams came into view. Hana ran over to her friends and entered the building. They chatted softly amount themselves until they appeared in front of the room they were supposed to go into, or so everyone thought.

Hana looked around at the large group of genin who tried getting into what they thought was class 302. A male with long brown hair was pushed down as the young Uchiha simply crossed her arms over her chest.

"You guys are genin... trying to participate in the chunin exams and can't see through a simple genjutsu? You guys are hopeless." She rolled her eyes and started walking past the crowd when a hand grabbed her wrist. She quickly flipped the person and they landed on their butt.

It went quiet as a few gasps escaped people's mouths. She turned to see who she flipped, and it was the male with the brown hair. She simply narrowed her eyes at him. "And what do you want?" She watched him get up and glare at her.

His eyes were pale, like Hinata's were. It was then she realized who it was, Neji. She would see Neji around the Hyuga residence whenever she went to visit Hinata. She watched him as he got up, walked away with a male in a green suit and a girl with duel buns in her hair.

Hana huffed as she looked at her two teammates and walked towards the room they are supposed to go to. Once Taro opened the door for 302, the nerves began. The large amount of people in the room seemed to intimidate the three of them. Hana groaned in slight pain as she grabbed onto her shoulder.

The curse mark that was put on her at three was acting up. Why now? She huffed the pain away as she walked towards the back of the room and leaned against the wall. Some eyes watched her before everyone's snapped to a blonde male at the door, yelling.

Hana simply shook her head. Oh Naruto, can't be normal for just once? Suddenly, grey hair caught Hana's eyes as she watched him. He seemed familiar as she moved from the wall she was at go walk towards her brothers team.

The grey haired man seem to have these cards that could tell you basically anything about anyone in the room. She tried to focus more on the man, and then it clicked. She knew exactly who it was. She watched him as she leaned against Sasuke some.


Everyone was seated in their seats, ready for the written portion of the exams. Hana was sadly in seat 10, at the front of the class. Meiko was in seat 42 as Taro has 46. Not to far from his sister, but both far from Hana.

The proctor explained the grading system for the test as Hana's nerves began to grow more and more. Once she flipped her test over to begin, she groaned and threw her head back. These questions were impossible, only an extremely smart genin could know them, or even a chunin themself.

It slowly began to click to her, maybe the purpose of the test was to cheat. How could she when she was up towards the front of the class. That was the hard thing. If she activated her sharingan, it would be obvious. So what was she supposed to do.

Hana sighed and began answering the questions to the best of her ability. After awhile, numbers were being called out as team after team began to leave the room. It began worrying her, hoping that neither of her teammates were caught cheating.

The proctor of the test started talking about a tenth question. If anyone would choose not to take it, they could raise their hand, but their entire team is out. If someone failed the question, the entire team is out. Hana turned back to see Meiko and Taro. Meiko shook slightly as she looked at Hana and shook her head, she wasn't stopping. Taro did the same, refusing to give up while Hana nodded at them with a smile.

As a few more teams left the room, the proctor smirked and congratulated everyone on passing. Hana sighed softly in relief as she relaxed in her seat... that is, until the next proctor came in.

She watched as the lady burst in the window as the first proctor let out a sigh. "You're early again..." he said to the female.  She simply smirked and began to talk about the second part.

Hana zoned her out some as she thought of her name. Anko. Where has she heard that before? Her shoulder started to burn again as she quickly grabbed ahold of it. Why is it acting up now? It's not like he's anywhere around. At least she hoped so. His helper was there, what if he was?

Hana was snapped out from her thoughts when Meiko and Taro gently started to poke her. They both had worried looks on their faces.

"Hana, what's wrong? Is your shoulder hurting you again?" Taro asked her as she quickly moved her hand to her side.

"Yeah. I will be find though. Come on, let's go find Kiba, Shino, and Hinata. Maybe we can all go get some ramen!" Hana jumped up from her seat to go find Hinata and her team with a small giggle.

The twins looked at each other with a worried look as she both shrugged at each other and ran after Hana.

"Hey, wait up!" They said in unison as they ran after their friend with a smile. Once they got to her side, the three smiled at each other and walked out of the building.

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