Becoming Part of Suna.

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Hana has lived in Suna for just over two months. She has become known around the village, mainly because she was always with the Kazekage and his family. Hana one day was called up to his office to speak with him and the council. She sighed nervously before knocking on the door and entering. She looked at Gaara with a small smile.

"You called for me, Lord Kazekage?" She said as she looked at him and then at the council. They all simply nodded at each other before Gaara spoke.

"Yes.. it has brought to the councils attention that you've become well known around the village. They, with my permission, would like to make you apart of our village. All you do is have to pledge yourself to the village." Gaara started as Hana smiled widely. The smile slowly faded as she thought.

"Will that mean that I won't be apart of Konoha anymore? Or does that just mean I live in both villages?" Hana looked at Gaara as he just stared blankly at her.

"I've talked to Lady Hokage. She said you will have duel citizenship. Meaning you're apart of Konoha and Suna. We were thinking it would help the treaty we have between our villages. Soon, she might send more of her Shinobi to our village and we might send ours to hers." Gaara spoke as some of the elders nodded. Hana slowly nodded as a small smile crossed her lips again.

"Alright. I'll pledge!" She said as Gaara stood up from his desk and walked around to Hana. In his hand he had a Suna headband. Hana slowly placed her left hand on it as she looked at Gaara.

"Now, repeat after me. I, Hana Uchiha, promise to protect the village with everything in me, to protect the people within the village, and to always obey the Kazekage. I promise that I will not betray the village. I promise to always help someone in need in the village. I promise to help maintain the Suna name, and will fight for my village." Gaara said in his monotone voice. Hana just slowly nodded.

"I, Hana Uchiha, promise to protect the village with everything in me, to protect the people within the village, and to always obey the Kazekage. I promise that I will not betray the village. I promise to always help someone in need in the village. I promise to help maintain the Suna name, and will fight for my village." She repeated work for work. Gaara simply nodded as he placed the headband in her hand.

"Congratulations. Now, you may now leave. I believe my brother wanted to talk to you." Gaara returned to his desk and sat down. Bowing slightly, Hana quickly thanked everyone and left the room. She quickly ran down to the house and ran to her room with a smile. She untied the Leaf headbands she had around her neck and placed it on her desk. She looked at it for a moment before slowly typing the Sand one around her neck. She looked herself over in the mirror.

"Where'd you get that?" A voice was heard from her doorway as she looked. She smiled as she saw Kankuro, showing him the headband around her neck.

"I'm part of Suna.." Hana said as she hugged Kankuro. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her slowly. She loved his hugs, it always warm and welcoming. She giggled softly as she looked up at him. He simply smiled down at her and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Well, we should go celebrate!" Kankuro smiled more as Hana slowly pulled away. Before they left, Kankuro handed her a letter. "Oh, and by the way, this came for you, today."

Hana looked at the writing on the front, noticing that it was a friend from the Leaf. She slowly opened it as she read through it.


The twins miss you a lot. I miss you. Nothing has been the same since you or Naruto left. The sudden joy that everyone gets when you two are around is just gone... anyways, Meiko and Taro are strong. You guys must have had a great team. Lady Tsunade has been training me to become a medical ninja. It's so exciting! I would love to hear from you. We all miss you. Hope to see you soon.


Hana chuckled softly to herself as she placed the note on her desk before walking out of the house and the building with Kankuro.

"Who was it from?" Kankuro asked as they walked around the town. Hana left her flak jacket at home today, wearing her dark blue kimono with ninja shorts underneath. On the bottom left, she had put a small Uchiha Clan sign on it.  She looked at Kankuro with a small smile.

"Sakura. She wanted to tell me about how the village is. She said it isn't the same without Naruto and I. He was always loud and obnoxious. I was always happy and jolly, brightening people's days. She also tells me how strong my teammates are. Saying how she finally understood why we were the perfect team together." Hana smiled as she looked up at him. He simply smiled at her with a nod.

"So. I found a nice little cafe. Would you like to go there?" He asked as she nodded quickly. They hurried down the street before they stopped at the cafe. Smiling, they both walked in and took a seat in a booth.

They sat across from each other and looked over the menu slowly, Hana glancing up at him every few minutes. Light pink dusted over her cheeks as she watched him. He smirked at her every time he caught her glancing at him. She let out a small giggle as their waitress came over.

"What can I get you two?" She smiled at Hana and Kankuro as she looked up at her with a smile.

"Just a tea please. Oh, and some imagawayaki please." Hana smiled brightly as she turned to look at Kankuro. He just chuckled softly.

"I'll take the same thing." He smiled as the waitress smiled.

"Of course! It will be out in a few minutes!" She the scurried off. Hana leaned back against her chair as she placed with her fingers. She slowly looked up at Kankuro, noticing the pink on his cheeks.

"Hey, has Temari been asking you... like weird questions lately?" He finally broke the silence as Hana have him an odd look.

"No? The only time she really talks to me is when she need help grading the papers from our students. Why? What's she been asking you?" Hana watched him curiously as he shook his head. 

"Nothing. She.. she's just had this look lately in her eye. That's all.." Kankuro said as their food and drinks soon came.

Hana clapped happily like a child before thanking the waitress. Kankuro slowly lifted his glass of tea and looked at Hana. She hesitantly lifted her glass and clinked it with his.

"To becoming apart of the Suna family. Welcome, to finally being part of our village." Kankuro said to the girl who giggled softly. She smiled at him before taking a sip, munching on her snack.

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