The Bell Test.

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Hana hurried out of the house before Sasuke woke up to meet Meiko and Taro at their house. Hana was grateful that their mother made them a nice breakfast and made them all lunch to take with them. Hana thanked Mrs Senjida before the three left for the training grounds.

Once there, Hana smiled widely upon seeing her brother, of course, Sakura close to him, trying to talk to him. The young Uchiha girl sighed before she heard the twins beside her whispering. Her eyes stopped on Naruto.

"Naruto! You passed! I'm so proud of you!" She giggled softly at him and hugged him tightly. Naruto smiled widely and hugged her back.

"Of course! No one is going to stop me from becoming Hokage one day, believe it!" He screamed before Hana moved over to her brother and leaned against him. A sigh escaping his lips.

"Hana, why is your team here today? Are you guys training here too?" He asked quietly as the girl slowly nodded her said.

"Hokage-sensi said that we will be training with Team 7. And I'm assuming you, Sakura, and Naruto are exactly who we are looking for." Hana smiled at her brother before quickly running back to her other two teammates.

After a while, a silver haired man appeared in front of the two teams. Sakura and Naruto yelled at him that he was late, and he just told them some lame excuse. His eyes looked over his team and then turned to the other team with a curious look in his one visible eye.

"And who exactly are you three?" He said in a monotone voice. Meiko and Taro both backed away slowly as Hana was staring up at the man.

"I'm Hana, that's Meiko and Taro. We are Lord Hokage's students and we told us that we will be training with your team today." The young Uchiha said as the male simply nodded.

"I didn't realize his team was the Senjida twins and Sasuke's twin sister. Anyways. We will be doing a bell test." He held up five bells as the six of them, more like three of them looked at him confused.

Team 7 started talking about how there were only five bells and six of them. While Sakura and Naruto began arguing with Kakashi, Hana, Meiko, and Taro began to strategize an idea to get three bells for them. The three of them simply nodded once Kakashi said began and disappeared into the trees.

"Are we supposed to help them learn teamwork, like by helping them?" Meiko whispered to Hana as they watched the jonin lean against a tree.

"He just said to show them. I guess we will help our team and hopefully that will show them how to work as a team." Hana simply whispered back. She watched the silver haired man for a moment before quietly jumping down into the bushes.

"Okay. Two will distract him with an attack as the other goes and grabs the bells. I think you two should distract him since I'm the fastest." Hana said before she got into position. Her teammates simply nodded and got ready beside her.

"Alright. On the count of three. One.... two... th-" as soon as they were ready to jump, Naruto came into the open and began to attack the man. Everyone face palmed except Kakashi as Naruto charged at the man.

"This may be harder than we thought.." Taro said to the two girls who just simply nodded at him.


After about an hour of watching, Team Hokage finally got their three bells, leaving the two for Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto to get. How did the team get the bells? Meiko and Taro distracted Kakashi with clones of themselves and throwing their kunai knives and shurikens at him. Hana, on the other hand snuck up behind him when he gaurd was down and snatched up the three bells.

The team sat by the time clock and watched it, waiting for the timer to go off. After another hour, it went off and Team 7 appeared in a puff of smoke. The two teams looked at each other as Kakashi quickly tied Naruto up to a post.

Hana looked between her brother and his teammates with a smirk. "So.. did you two get bells?" She asked softly as she looked at them. Sakura and Sasuke both looked away as she held her bell up and jingled it a bit.

"How... how did you get one?" Sakura asked as she looked at my teammates. "Did you two get one?" As soon as she said that, they held their bells up as well. Her eyes slowly widened.

"We worked as a team to get the bells. Something you guys didn't understand clearly. You all did it your own way, trying to get it yourself. Team work is key to being a strong shinobi." Hana said before she pulled out her bento box.

On her box there was a note from Mrs Senjida. A small smile formed on Hana's lips as she read it.


Good luck on your first day of training. Hope to see you later tonight.

With love,

Mrs Senjida

The young Uchiha giggled softly to herself as she opened her box. Inside was her favorite meal she always ate while at Meiko and Taro's house. Inside was rice, pork, cooked green beans and carrots. She smiled up to her two friends as they opened their lunches.

The two teams, besides Naruto, sat and ate. There was a rule set, do not feed Naruto. He begged and begged Hana for some of her pork and she ignored him, waiting to see if Sasuke or Sakura would give him food.

Surprisingly, Sasuke was the first one to offer his food. Much to Sakura's protest, she soon offered her food and began feeding him while an angry Kakashi appeared in a cloud of smoke.

Team 7 explained about teamwork, about how letting him starve is just going to slow them down once they do go on missions. Hana smiled over at the team before she looked at hers.

"I think they're finally understand what it's like to work as a team." The girl said to the twins in front of her. She soon got up and walked from the training ground with the rest of her team, only to turn back and smile at Team 7.

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