chapter 1

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You got it the producer said " this track is officially done". That's wassup thanks man I said giving him so. Alright man well I gotta go I'll see you when you working on your next song.

Alright man I said. I was then interrupted from a phone call from my wife. Aye baby im leaving the studio.

"Alright can you pick me up some rice to go with my chicken" alright babe see you when I'm home.

"Okay I love you" she said with a warm voice.


"Look mommy I made you a picture" my 3 year old son Josiah said. I love it baby I said taking the picture away.

"Can we show dad's when he gets home" of course we can baby. Go out it on the freezer I said giving him the picture back.

Double A august said coming through the door. I turned around to get to the door but Josiah had already beat me there.

'look daddy look" Josiah said pushing the picture in James face.

"I see son" he said picking Josiah up. "You been good for mommy" .

Josiah nodded his head.

Later that night.

Alright James cut the bullshit what have you been doing out side of this marriage.

How y'all like the first chapter.
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