chapter 25

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It's been 5 days since I found out that I've been pregnant for two months. And I'm still a little shocked and August is too. but just because we found out that information doesn't mean that he gets to stay out late and come in when he wants and not talk to me. so today I decided that I was gonna let him know that I didn't like the was he was treating me and he really felt some type of way and didn't wanna be around me then he could pack his stuff and leave till he was ready to face me.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when August had walked in the door. "oh shit" I said to myself as my heart started to beat faster and faster as he walked up the steps. "wassup" he said walking in sitting on the bed. "hey August" I said trying not to look him in the face. "Uhm I have to run to the store real quick. I grabbed the keys off the nightstand and walked out of the room.

I got In the car and headed to Walmart I couldn't stay in that house with him because It just broke my heart knowing that he didn't wanna be around me like that.

I pulled up to Walmart and got out the car. I really didn't know why I was going in here because I really didn't need to get anything. as soon as I got out the car I saw that stupid bitch Alexa coming up to me. as she was walking over she tied her hair up. good thing my hair was already up.

"what was all that shit you was talking bitch," she said running up to me. I was tired of her so if I'm going to jail for fighting in Walmart parking lot then I was going for beating her ass.

as she was running toward me I stood there waiting to hit her ass. "bitch I wanna fight you right here, right now."

"well if you wanna fight someone just fight them," I said laughing. she started talking again but I swung on her so she could not finish what she was saying. she fell to the ground. "," I said hitting her in the face.


I looked over at my ringing phone on the bed. "what the fuck" I said seeing the call was from jail. "what has aliyah done now" I said sighing. I picked up the phone and accepted the call.

"I'm on the was Aliyah", I said hanging up the phone not giving her a chance to explain. I grabbed the keys and went and got in the car.


I pulled off from the jail with aliyah in the car. it was silent. "I need to go get my car from Walmart", she said looking out the window. "what did you do", I said keeping my eyes on the road.

"what do you mean what did I do? you should be asking what did your ugly ass baby momma do. and if you really wanna know I beat that bitch the fuck up". she said looking dead in my face.


It's short but I hoped you liked it.

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