chapter 26

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"Why would you do that" he said pulling into the drive way. And stopping the car. I already told you why I did it. Once again I did it because she ran up on me. Now if you wanna go to the hospital and check on her go ahead because she probably gone be on life support I said walking in the house slamming the door and leaving him outside.

Who in the hell did he think he was. He not gone sit here and jump down my throat and expect me not to say anything to the little bitch. August walked back in the house standing behind me.

"Im going to check on her" he said about to walk out. See that's what's wrong with your ass. You to fucking friendly and you sitting here wanting to go check on her when I'm fucking having your baby. Go ahead and you tell that bitch I said that's why her baby ugly.

"Why you always got to be so god damn mean" August said, mean! I said yelling. Oh so I'm suppose to be all happy even though you cheated on me. Got the girl pregnant and now your leaving me for her.

Oh ok I'll be mean. Just get out I said pushing him toward the door. "Fine you got it" he said throwing his hands up in the air walking out the house.

Fuck! I said out loud.


Me and my soon to be husband just decided to wait to move because I didn't wanna leave my best friend here and she going through a lot.

I haven't seen her in a while so i decided that I would take a quick drive to her house. It's been awhile since we had to have a girl to girl talk and I really wanted to know what was going on with her because she seemed to really stress.

You could spot Aliyah and August house miles from where it sat that's how big it was. They had the biggest house in their neighborhood.

I pulled into aliyah drive way and got out and walked up to her door. I knocked on the door and stood their for about 2 minutes. Finally I heard the locks clicking.

Hey girl I said pulling her into my arms. But it had looked like she had been crying. What's wrong I said still hugging her. "August is really starting to get on my nerves and I can't be doing this I'm having a baby and I'm not trying to lose it"

Wait when were you gonna tell me that you were pregnant?. I said looking at her. I couldn't have been helping you the while time.

"Well" she said whiping her eyes I just found out that I was pregnant. Well what are you doing right now I said stepping in.

"Well I'm packing August stuff up and I'm gonna sat it by the door and I'm gonna tell him that I don't feel like it's best of he is here right now" considering that I'm having a baby and I can't be stressed.

Aliyah this house is big enough where he can love here and y'all don't even gave to see each other "girl I wanna be able to walk all around my house with out seeing him".

Girl you crazy. But I have to go but if you need anything just let me know because I'm always here for you Aliyah no matter what. I said pulling her into another huh "thanks girly"


I sat their after sky left. She was like my sister but I was still putting August out she could have told me not to all day and I still would have.

I went back up the stairs and looked around all his stuff was almost packed .


I finally got done packing all August stuff and I sat it by the door. Its been hours and he still was not here. To pick up his stuff.

Fuck it I said grabbing my keys and putting the boxes in my car. I had to pass his dumb ass baby momma house to get to the hospital and I was praying I wasn't gone see his car at her house.

I put all the boxes in the car and got in and started my car up. I backed out of my drive way slowly. And pulled off.

The whole time I was praying I would not see his car. I drove past her house and his car was there. I looked at the clock and it was 12:02 am. Oh hell no. These are thot hours.

It was time for me to put this bitch to sleep for good. I pulled into her drive way got out and knocked on the bitch door. I was planning on hitting that bitch of she answered the fucking door.

The dead bolt clicked and it was August holding the baby. Come get your stuff out of my car. I said simply walking away.


What you talking about get my stuff out of your car. I'm not moving out. "Oh Yeah you are she said throwing the boxes with my clothes out side"

Aliyah what the fuck is up with you. That damn baby got you going crazy

"This is the last box" she said throwing it out.



Aliyah and August house at the top

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