Chapter 30

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Thank you I said smiling at the lady who sat my plate of food down in front of me, August had took me out to dinner because he said that we didn't go out enough and that he had some good news. "You okay baby?" He said picking up his fork and started eating his food.

Yeah I replied smiling a little. "Alright so what I wanted to tell you is I got a call from a record label and they heard my music and they wanna sign me baby" he said with the biggest smile he has had in a long time.

Oh really I said smirking, "yeah but the only problem is they want me to move to la for about 6 months and I'm gonna be on tour and making money" he said still eating his food.

I swallowed hard. I loved August and we was back on track for the first time in a long time and I wasn't ready to loose him for 6 months.

August I'm not so sure about this I said playing around with my food trying to not to make eye contact. "Baby what you not sure about" he said putting his fork down looking back up at me.

I'm saying I'm not sure if I feel comfortable with this like I don't want you going to La without me I mean what if you.....

"What if I what? Cheat on you, never come back or something. Aliyah baby I'm not gonna cheat and I'm gonna come back" he said picking his fork back up.

Alright August I said sighing still playing around with my food.

The next day.


You ready? I said talking to Alexa today was the day that we were going to get a dna test and I was ready to find out if this baby was mine or not because this has been hanging over my head for a while now.

She got in the car with krislyn and I shut her door and went around and got in the car. "August I really don't even know why we doing this because you know this is your baby and you just don't wanna except the fact"

I sighed just because she been switching up her story I've been hearing that she been wanting to tell me that this not my baby and If she knew it wasn't my baby she should have been told me.

I pulled into the doctor office and got out and went to open her door.

My heart was beating fast as fuck because this is the moment that me and Aliyah been waiting for because if this wasn't my baby it would make my life a whole lot better.


Why did you do it kharon I said feeling tears in my eyes "baby I'm sorry I was just going through a lot at the time and I wasn't thinking"

I sighed, I just need to think okay I said walking away.

Maybe it was time I really got out of Atlanta and went and just did my own this like I wanted to do in the first place so I was gonna do just that.


"Alright the results are back you guys" the doctor said as he came in with all these papers in his hand. "So unfortunately August you are not krislyns father"

He turned around leaving the room. I looked at Alexa and told her find her own way home because I didn't have to have her in my life any more and I was happy.


I'm coming I said going to the door that was being kocked on for a while now. I opened the door and it was Josiah and his mother he said bruises all on his face.

Josiah baby what's wrong I said rubbing his face. "Ain't nothing wrong with his little cry baby ass" did she hit you Josiah I said while putting him down on the couch leaving her in the door way.

"Yep I sure did I beat his cry baby ass" bitch I said as I punched her dead in the throat and she fell out. Oh my lord what did I just do I said sighing.


I pulled in the drive way to see Aliyah standing in the door way on the phone with Josiah's mother laying In front of her. What the hell I said walking up to her getting outta the car.

What did you do to her Aliyah I said getting down to see if she was still living "thank you sir" she said getting of the phone, who was that I said getting up.

That was the police I called them because she beat my son and she gone brag about it so I hit that bitch dead in her neck.

The police pulled in my drive way, thank you for calling us Mrs.alsina because she a jail time coming for her anyways

No problem I said going back in the house and soon as August stepped in.


"Daddy" Josiah said running to August with a big smile. I smiled at how cute they looked when they were together.

"Lil man daddy gotta go away for a little bit" he said looking at me I seen a tear fall down Josiah's face. I swallowed hard remembering the fact that August was still leaving.

The next day.

We got out the car and was at the air port for August to get on the plane and take off. "It's gone be okay I'm gone come back till then we a plane ride away" he said stroking my cheek.

I love you I said smiling but I was really hurting on the inside but I was gonna support him no matter what.

Alright baby I'll see you on Friday he said giving me one last hug before turning around. "I love you baby" he said deeply kissing me before turning around.

He turned around and waved to me before getting on. I love you August I said whipping a tear from my eye as his plane took off.

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