chapter 15

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I had been home for a little while now and august still wasn't home and I was getting worried that he might of cheated again.

He was staying out late and he has also been sleeping in the guest room and I was beginning to wonder why.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I seen a drunk august come in the door stumbling.

Where have you been I said getting up glancing at the clock it was 11:30. "Man I just wanna go to sleep" he said walking down the hall into the bedroom.

Alright I guess. I said feeling a little hurt. But we will talk about this in the morning I said following behind.

2 hours later

It was 1 in the morning and I couldn't sleep not knowing what was up with august. I kept hearing his phone going of and I was dying to know who it was.

I pulled the cover back and tip toed in the guest room and went over to his phone. August was a light sleeper so I was beyond scared.

I took his phone into my hand and began to go through it "did you tell her yet" the text read.

"We should not be keeping this from her" another text read. What the fuck I said lowly. I couldn't believe what I was reading.

I felt tears coming in my eyes. I went over and turned on the lights. And went back over and started hitting him.

What the fuck are you doing he said sitting up looking really mad. Why the fuck you been cheating on my with that bitch. I said crying.

I whipped my tears away. "Ion got time for this" he said getting up and going to pack his stuff.

Did you ever even wanna be with me ?. I said hitting his arm again. You know what get out.

He walked towards the door and turned around "I'll be back to get my stuff tomorrow"

Tell that bitch when I see her its her ass I said slamming the door.


Short and sweet 😍

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