chapter 21

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Hey baby I said holding my baby girl. You are such a pretty girl I said kissing on her face. I still haven't gotten around to tell August that this might not be his baby.

"Hey I'm coming to check on you" said the smiling doctor walking in.

"So how are you feeling" she said coming over and rubbing krislyn back. Well for the most part I'm doing ok even though my neck is a little sore.

"Oh gosh your neck is red" she said putting on her glasses walking over to me. Oh no I'm fine I said rubbing my neck.

We were interrupted by the sound of August coming in. "Hey baby girl" he said taking the baby outta my hand.

Uhm could we have a second​ I said to the doctor. "Sure just let me know when your ready to talk".

The doctor walked outta the room leaving me and August their in complete silence. August I gotta talk to you I said playing with my hands.

"Well talk we both right here with our baby girl" he said still smiling at her. I don't think krislyn is yours.

"What do you mean you don't think she mine you said you didn't fuck any other nigga" he said frowning.

Well I didn't fuck him the same day that's a hoe move I said raising my eye brow. But I'm not sure who her dad is so we are gonna see.


You know what ?. I'm not I'm said giving her the baby back and walking out. I already got enough shit to deal with I said to my self.

Aliyah at home acting like she don't have any home training so if I go home and she still acting crazy I'ma go to a hotel.

I can understand why she mad because I came home drunk and didn't show her any respect.

But to get respect she gotta earn it. I pulled up in the driveway and just sat there thinking.

Fuck it I said to myself I got out the car and walked up to the door and opened it.

Aliyah I'm sorry I said following the rose petals up the steps. What the fuck I said to my self about to walk in the room.


Baby I am so sorry I said walking up to August kissing his neck and taking of his clothes. He laid me on the bed and started to kiss my neck.

I let out a soft moan. I couldn't be so loud because Josiah was in the room down the hall. He went down kissing my stomach.

No I stopped him I want you right now I said bringing​ him back up. He pulled off his boxers and leaned over to get a condom.

No baby I wanna feel you I said still kissing him. "Alright well shit lets get it in" he said sliding in me.

Oh fuck I said as he started to stroke me I kept moaning still trying not to be so loud. Don't stop I said.

We were interrupted by a knock at the door "mommy are you okay" Josiah said on the other side of the door.

Yes baby mommy's ok hold on I'm coming. Get off I said whispering to August. "You sure" he said as he started to stroke me long and deep.

August we can't i said moaning "you sure you want me to slide out" he said as she started to suck my neck.

You feel so good baby I said moaning I couldn't take it any more. "Mommy open the door" Josiah said again.

"Alright I'm done" he said sliding out smirking. Fuck you August

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