chapter 18

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It's been a few weeks since I lost my baby and I'm starting to be able to deal with it and it was time to tell august. He has been texting me saying he wants to get stuff for my baby when their is no baby. For the last few days I just been staying home by my self cause I wasn't ready to face people.

And I hated the fact that I loved august so much that he could do me dirty and I'll still love him. Maybe it was time for a talk.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I got a text from him speaking of the devil.

Can we meet up or can I come over. I looked at the text and replyed letting him know that he could come over.

I got up and started to clean up before he got here. So the house would not be messy. I heard a knock at the door letting me know that he was here. I went a opened the door letting him in.

"You moving" he said with a frown looking at all the boxes uh yeah I said looking around. "Well are you home let me know where you moving you do have my son" he said still frowning.

You mean the son you haven't been here to see. I may not be his real mother but that's my son. I said snapping back at him. "You know what I came to talk not to fight" he said. Well talk I said going to sit down.

"I wanna be in our baby's life" he said with a slight smile letting me know he wasn't playing. August I don't know how to tell you but their is no baby. I lost it 2 weeks ago because of stress.

"And you just now telling me this" he said frowning once again. August you wasn't trying to hear anything from me you wanted to come pack up your shit and get the hell on.

"Alright let's just start our whole relationship ship over because​I wanna be with you" he said looking me in my eyes.

For some reason I hated when he said shit like that because it would always got me in my feelings. I was interrupted from my thoughts when he placed his soft lips on mine moving in sync. I wrapped my arms around his neck letting him pick me up. While still kissing him.

He moved his lips away from my lips and onto my neck sucking as hard as he could. Don't stop baby I said moaning. He carried me into my room filled with boxes laying me on my bed.

He started to kiss on my stomach going lower and lower. We gotta stop I said but by the time I tried to sit up he was already licking in between my slit. He came back up kissing my lips sliding in without a warning. He moved his hips going deeper making me scream.

"You like that" he said while still moving his hips. Yeah I said trying to be quite. This was gone be a long night and I'm not sure if I was ready.


"Well when you gone tell him girl" my girl Shay said. Girl I been trying the timing just ain't right. I needed to let august know that this isn't his baby. And I was already pushing 9 months and I don't want my baby to get here and then tell him.

"Well you gone have to come up with something because that man gone be pissed and you caused a lot of problems in his marriage" he said with no type of emotion.

Well first Shay I thought it was his till I remembered​ that one night stand before me and august got together. "Well are y'all together now" she said confused.

Yes girl you know he want me that was just a crazy question ion know why you would even ask me that.

So all that stuff he gave me for the baby I'ma just tell him he can have it and give to Aliyah because I really don't have a problem with her.

It's was his fault we even slept together because he didn't tell me that he was married and girl you know I do not sleep with married men. I said taking another sip of my water.

"I know because I was wondering what made you wanna have a baby by him and he had a wife and a son already".


Hey Mom I said walking in her front door smelling food. "Hey baby" she said giving me a hug. What you cooking I said walking down the hall.

"Go in there and see" she said talking to kahron.

It's always been me and my mom my dad left when he found out that my mom was having a baby. He said that he didn't have time for a baby. And that breaks my heart knowing what I didn't get to do.

I use to cry when all the little girls at school had their dad walk them in and give them lunch money. I just wish my mom could find a good man that will treat her right and I won't have to fuck up.


I woke up rolling over to the cold side of the bed. I smelled food. I got up seeing august coming up the steps with a tray of food with only underwear on.

Um thanks I guess I said taking the tray and eating. "Look Aliyah I wanna start over".


Since James is played by august Alsina I'm just gonna call him august not james

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