chapter 16

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Sorry I took so long anyway enjoy 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇


It's been a few days since I seen august and he hasn't been back to get his things like he said he was. I still couldn't believe what all had happened. And I wanted answers from the both of them.

And every time I think about what happened I get sick to my stomach. He didn't want my baby but he wanted hers. I couldn't get that outta my head.

I felt a warm tears slowly coming down my face. I whipped it away as I picked up my phone texting sky.

I need to get out the house. I sent the text and put my phone down.

I heard the door nob moving I quickly placed my eyes to the door. Slowly walked in august.

What the fuck are you doing here I said walking up to him with my arms folded. "I told you I was coming to get my stuff" he said walking right past me.

Where the fuck is all my stuff at he said walking back up to me with this evil look in his eye. I already told you I was giving the shit away.

Now get your dumb ass keys and go already. I said not letting him walk past me.


Stop I said smiling showing kahron my dimples. Me and kahron had been talking for a minute now. And I was really starting to like him.

No. We not doing this again I said stopping him from sucking on my neck. Plus I have to see what my girl need.

I went over to the couch and picked up my phone seeing that I had go a text from li. I quickly replyed and sat my phone down.

I heard a knock at the door. I got it I said running to the door o see who it was. Hey bitch I said welcoming tasha into my house.

Tasha use to live down here me her and li were all best friends and then she had to move to north Carolina.


"Why don't you wanna be with me anymore. Was I not good enough" aliyah said crying. It's not that.

It's just you knew I didn't want another baby and I feel like you set all of this up just because you thought it would keep me around.

"Why would I bring a baby into this knowing what's going on you need to think" she said looking at me.

Our conversation was interrupted when I felt a muffled vibration coming from my pocket.

I pulled out my phone just to see that Alexa was calling me. I put my phone on vibration and tried to put it up.

"No answer the phone" aliyah said taking my phone away from me and answering.


I know its been forever I'm sorry I've been busy.

BTW I changed aliyah's character to a different person she's cute right ?

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