chapter 10

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I walked In the building going to the table I saw August at. I sat my purse on the table and just looking at him.

Non of this would be happening if you keep your dick in your pants. I said as I rolled my eyes.

" we going to get everything straightened out today don't worry just calm down" he said sighing.

I sat down at the table just to see Alexa coming to take the third chair here we go I said to myself.

" so why the fuck are you here" august said getting straight to the point and I thought it was about time.

" first of all you never even told me that you had a wife you told me that you were single and you didn't have any kids so do not try to come for my life" Alexa said snapping back.

All I have to say is I'm done with the both of you I said getting up grabbing my purse walking around early from the table so done with this situation I said to myself.



Come on Josiah I said taking his book bag from Aliyah me and her haven't been talking lately but we were trying to keep in touch just for my son.

And I really didn't want to tell just saying that he might have a new brother or sister. the baby might not even be mine. she could be just trying to break up my family but I called this on my own so I guess I got to deal with the consequences.

"all right August I really can't keep doing this with you" Leah said with tears in her eyes".

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