chapter 13

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I looked at aliyah as he was still looking at the test with my finger's crossed. The results haven't came back but I was worried about what he might say.

A part of me wanted a baby, then again the other part of me was fine with having Josiah. I was scared.

You okay. I said trying to make conversation. He looked up at me and turned around I sighed.

I was still lookin at the test when a positive sign came up on the test. I leaned up against the wall and slid down it slow with my face in my hands.

The next morning.

I woke up and rolled over to a cold spot in my bed realizing aliyah wasn't here. And it hurt my heart being away from him considering we had just got back on good terms.

Well let me get up I said to myself while rubbing my small tummy. I still couldn't believe that I was having a baby.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard a knock at my door.
I went down stairs and unlocked the door.

I pulled the door open to a smiling kala. Hey I said pulling her in a tight hug, when did you get back in town I said looking her up and down.

"I got back first thing this morning and you know I had to come see my bitch" she said pulling away from my tight hug.

Come in I said stepping a side. She walked in sitting down on my sofa making herself at home.

"So catch me up" she said putting her phone in her purse. And looking up at me.

Alright so first girl I'm pregnant I said flopping down on the sofa as well.

"Well how do you know for sure" she said looking a little uneasy

Well I took a test I said bitting my bottom lip.


"Alright your now 8 months" the doctor said taking the gel of of my belly. I couldn't wait to meet my baby boy.

First they told me I was having a girl and now its for sure a boy. I just loved that.

I haven't really been in touch with august or aliyah I just thought it was better to do this all on my own.

Cause I didn't want to go around flaunting my mistake and it was bad enough I was pregnant by a married man.

That's why I tried to stay far away from the both of them.


Alexa back and 8 months...damn august got 3 kids.

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