chapter 17

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I took the phone and answered it why are you calling here I said yelling over the phone she had no business calling James even though we may not be together right now she still had no business calling him and she was going to hear what I had to say. I really could not do anything​ to her since we both were pregnant but I sure was going to say something.

"Who is this ?" She said. "I sorry to tell you Alexa but he has a wife and I'm sure that you new that. You know what I said handing the phone back to James I'm not going to jail over know man that's not even mine.

Get out of my house I said walking him to the door. You and your new family can buy new shit. I said slamming the door. I looked at the time on the clock it was already 9:00.

I drug my to tired body up the steps and went and laid in my bed. And let slept take over my body.

I looked at the clock and it was 1:30 in the morning I look down on the sheets and it was blood oh my God please tell me this is not happening I said to myself trying to calm myself down. I picked up the phone called 911.

"Could you please send a paramedic to my house as soon as you can my address is 101 Grove Street". I hung up just lay in my bed and cried. There's no way that this could be happening I said trying to calm my self down again.

I heard someone come in the door. And the had a stretcher. They took me to the hospital and I went to a room right away.

I've been sitting in a hospital room for a while now in the doctor hasn't even stopped by I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard the doc to come in my room. "Okay we have good news and bad news" he said starting off with a smile.

"The bad news is that you had a miscarriage because your stress was way to high" he said I laid down on the bed and started to cry and poor my heart out.

7:30 am.

I was back home laying on the couch I was in the process of washing my sheets. It was all so new to me. I felt a vibration beside me and I picked up the phone. I had a text from her but I really didn't feel like talking.


I wonder what's been going on with her I said to myself ​she has never ignored my text. I said talking to kahron. Ima go over there when I get done doing these dishes.

I finished up my cleaning and grabbed my phone and keys. I went got in the car and pulled off.


I pulled up at Aliyah house and got out. I walked up to the door and knocked. She came to the door but she wasn't looking so good. "What's going on" I said looking at her up and down.

"I lost my baby" she said walking closer giving me a deep hug while crying.

"Awe it's gone be okay liyah" I said hugging her telling her it's gone be okay.


"So what are we like are we together or friends or what" I said looking at him. It was killing me not knowing and I was already 8 months pregnant.

Time was going by really fast.

"We just two people that's having a baby together" he said looking me up and down

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"We just two people that's having a baby together" he said looking me up and down. "What ever I said getting up from where I was sitting.

I had been going to the gym almost everyday ​to keep my self in shape while pregnant. I could not wait to meet my baby. And I was already out buying stuff.

The last time I seen Aliyah she gave me the dirty look and said she was gone beat me up after I had my baby. But I keep trying to tell her James did not tell me he had a wife and a son.

And speaking of his son he has not been going to see him like he said he was.


I walked out the door of Alexa house going back to my hotel room

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I walked out the door of Alexa house going back to my hotel room. It's been a while since I last heard from Aliyah and I couldn't help but to wonder why.

I got in my car backed out of Alexa drive way and pulled off. I tried calling Aliyah but she sent me to voicemail​.

And I haven't seen Josiah either. I picked up the phone and tried calling her one more time. Again voicemail.

I really fucked up I said to myself.


Okay so from this chapter on the chapters are gonna be longer and i really hope you like this chapter even though it's a bit sad.

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