chapter 12

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I woke up to the smell of bacon being cooked in the kitchen. I smiled laying in the same spot I woke up in. It was all over I had my family back and everyone was on good terms.

What could go wrong now I thought to myself with a smirk on my face. I got up out the bed and started to make it.

I walked to Josiah room and peeked inside to see he was still sleeping. I jumped feeling hands slide across my waist.

"Hey baby" august said as he kissed my neck. No we are not doing this again I said whispering closing Josiah door back".

I walked back in my room and went to the bathroom doing my morning duty. I think we should have a baby I said looking at august with a smile.

"Wait say that again" he said frowning. I said I think we should have a baby I said in a sigh.

"Aliyah we already talked about this and plus we already have a baby"

August it just doesn't feel the same Josiah knows I'm not his real mom.

Never mind I said walking out the bathroom. Josiah knew I wasn't his real mom he just called me mom to make me feel better and I really wanted a baby.

August went and had a baby out of our marriage some years ago and then his mom came and dropped him of basically telling us to raise him.

My thought cleared when I felt a muffled vibration coming from my pocket. I had got an email letting my know the building I wanted was still available.

Yes I said jumping up and down I had been wanting to start my own clothing line for years and now everything was finally falling into place.

"Hey mommy" Josiah said coming to me holding his arms up for me to pick him up.

Hey baby you want something to eat I said kissing his cute little face. I loved his dimples he had got them from august.


Baby I'll be back I said walking out the house with my keys. I hopped in the car and backed out the drive way.

I couldn't get the fact that aliyah wanted a baby outta my head.

I pulled into my homeboy dre drive way and got out. I locked my car and went to knock on the door.

I stood there waiting for the locks to click. "Wassup boy" dre said dapping me up.

Man I need to talk I said walking in the house and sitting down on the couch.


Hey baby I said kissing august as he walked in the door. Come here we need to talk I said biting my lip.

He followed behind me up to our room as I went in the bathroom and gave him the pregnancy test

Wtf just happened

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