chapter 27

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I was on the way back home when my phone rang. I looked down to see who was calling it was august. I didn't even pick the phone up I just looked back at the road. I pulled into my driveway and cut the car off and just sat their. "My life is going down hill" I said to myself.

My marriage is having a lot of problems we don't even have Josiah because his mom had to act a fool and take him back when she can't even take care of him. My life is just a fucking mess I said thinking to myself.

I got out the car and walked in the house kicking off my shoes at the door I needed a nap after today. After today I'm not getting into anymore drama I'm gone stay at home and make sure me and my baby is good.

I'm going to the doctor to make sure my baby is still good because I'm having this baby I don't care if august likes it or not. So I think I'm just gone let august have this house and I'm going to go out and find me and my baby a nice apartment just so I will be stress free.

I went upstairs and got in my bed and doze off to sleep.


I got up to use the bathroom. "Why is it so damn cold in here" I said walking down stairs to check the air. "Why the hell are you here" I said hitting august who was sleeping on the chair.

"Move bruh chill" he said rolling over. "Fine then if you won't leave then I will" I said going back up the steps getting all my stuff and putting it in my car. I'm so done with him and I think that's what he does not get.

I finished putting all my clothes in the car I was leaving everything else because I was just gonna go to a hotel. I grabbed my keys and phone and walked out and went to get in my car.

I started my car and pulled off. I didn't need this for my baby because august always said that I take stuff to far but he does not realize how much that shit hurts. How would he feel if I went out and start having sex with all these men. He probably wouldn't even wanna be with me if I went out and had a baby by another man so I'm gone show him what it is to miss me.


I finally woke up and realized aliayh was gone. "Where the fuck she go" I said to myself walking upstairs. I hope she not on the petty bullshit.

I walked in our room and all her stuff was gone. "Oh my God" I said putting my head in my hands I don't know why she think she can just leave when she carrying my baby.

I went back downstairs and picked up my phone calling her because I really was not in the mood for her this morning. I was really starting to think me marrying her was a mistake and I'm gone tell her we can work this out or go our separate ways because she does way to much.

I mean she fine and all but her attitude ugly as shit. The phone rang for the 3rd time and she picked up.

"Aliyah where the fuck you at you need to stop playing these god damn games I'm not in the mood for it" I said yelling.

"I think we should get a divorce" she said so dry over the phone. "Fine then" I said hanging up throwing my phone at the wall.

If she wanted a divorce she had one coming because I was getting tired of her shit.


Being a mom is the best thing that ever happened to me. But I have to find it a way to tell august that this is not really his baby.

I really don't give a fuck about his marriage I just think it's time to finally tell him. Because I want my baby to know who her dad really is.

Because I love my baby with all my heart and the last thing I want is for her to not know who her dad is.

Alexis left a few days ago and I miss her like crazy. But ever since I got into a fight with august wife at Walmart I really think we need to have a sit down. Because I was the one in the wrong and I need to tell her that I'm sorry and it has nothing to do with her so called beating my ass in the parking lot. But I can admit that bitch do got hands.

And I wanted to fight her so bad but then after I got home I had to think that it was not the right thing to do

So when I see her I'm just gonna walk I'm just gonna walk up and say sorry.


"So Mrs.alsina you are now 3 months but I need you to cut back a lot on the stress because it's not good for your health" he said rubbing my back.

Alright thanks doc I said getting of the table taking my papers.

From now on I'm in control of me fuck a damn august


So y'all Aliyah is played by the beautiful Toya write and that's her in mm I changed the person who play her

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