chapter 23

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So what you been up to I said smiling at my twin sister alexis. It's been months since the last time I see her and I can't lie I've been needing help.

August acts like he doesn't want anything to do with my baby and it's probably because of his wife. If she would just understand that I didn't know he was married maybe we could be friends.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when alexis had touched my arm.

"Look in gonna be in town for a while if you need some one to watch the baby I'm here for you" she said smiling.

Me and my sister was different. She was the nice type of she thought you were mad at her she would say sorry. That's why we always got along.

Awe thanks I said giving her a hug. While giving her I just didn't wanna let go. I needed someone and it felt like I had no one.

"Alexa what's wrong" she said still hugging me.

I finally let go. It's just I feel like I don't have any help with the baby and August acts like he doesn't wanna help. I mean I understand he is an up coming singer but he is pretty known around these streets.

I just don't know how much I can take like he needs to take his head out of Aliyah ass. And she sitting at home taking care of his other son and she not even his real mother.

If she wanna take care of a baby she need to go and have her own.

"Okay I'm on your side but you just can't be mean to people Alexa. You have to also understand that, that man is married." she said looking into my eyes.


Hey baby I said walking in the house. Is every thing almost packed ?. I asked taking of my shoes.

"Yeah but did you tell Aliyah we moving to north Carolina" he said pecking my lips.

No not yet I said feeling bad about it all over again. I mean I don't wanna leave I just have to go and take care of my dad.

And how am I supposed to do that living in atl ?.

"She still needs to know that's your best friend" he said going back to the couch.

I'm gone tell her kharon I just need time and plus when I move she still has kayla. And she knows her Well because we all grew together.

"Alright what ever" he said getting of the couch going back to pack the rest of the stuff.


August I wanna try again. I said looking in his eyes.

"What you wanna try again" he said raising one of his eye brows.

I wanna try again for a baby I mean we don't have Josiah anymore Because of his stupid birth mother.

"Why you wanna try again. Why can't we try later"

Because I said blowing. Im pushing 26 and I just feel like my clock is ticking. And then every time I go to the store I see a pregnant woman and her man. I just wish that was me.

"I'm not sure if I'm ready Aliyah I mean I got all this stuff to deal with"

Alright. I said getting of the couch. At this point I didn't know what was making me feel this way.

But I just wanted it to stop. I walked up the stairs and went in the room and shut the door.

I felt a vibration so I checked my phone and it was a text from sky saying we needed to talk.

What now I said to myself. I quickly texed her back and put my phone back on its place.


It's been a while since me my brother Kevin and alexis been together all at once Even though my brother is in jail.

And before alexis left I was gonna make sure we both went down a and seen our brother.

So I've been thinking and I think me and Aliyah need to sit and have a talk because I just wanna be on good terms with her being my child step mother. And I don't want my child around her if we not even in good terms. I said to my sister.

"About time you do something that's good and not just think about you".

Well I've been trying to be the bigger person for a while now.


I've been thinking about what Aliyah said and if my baby girl wanna baby ima give her one.

I know she miss Josiah and we still dealing with this whole cheating shit.

But Aliyah already been pregnant two times and lost both. So I put rose petals on the floor so when she got home it would lead her right in my direction.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard the door open. My heart started beating fast.

"Baby whats all of this" she said walking in the room taking off her heals.

So I put some thought into what you asked me earlier and I wanna give you a baby.

"Really" she said smiling hard and running into my arms.

She pecked my lips multiple times before letting me go. "So" she started.

"I went to that thing about modeling and I think I could do it" she said smiling once again.

Baby that's wonderful I said walking up to her kissing her neck. Now let's get to making that baby I said smirking against her neck.

I could already tell this was gonna be a really long night.


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