chapter 11

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Ever scene me and aliyah made up my life has been good I said talking to will.

"Oh really" he said with one eye brow raised and his arms crossed.

Yes man we been having sex and I mean a lot of sex. I got my family back so I'm living the life I said looking at him with smirk.


Come on Josiah its time for bed honey I said picking him up from the couch and carrying him upstairs to his room.

He looked so handsome when he was sleep it just made me wanna attack his face with all my kisses.

Soon as I layed Josiah down in his bed I heard the front door close. I knew it had to be august.

And I was so happy to see him. "Hey baby" he said walking in the room with a lot of roses.

Awe this is so sweet I said looking at him in the eyes.

I got the vase sitting on my dresser and went to the bathroom to fill it with water. I walked back in the room to see august stripped in his boxers.

I pulled the cover back and layed my tired body in it. I cut off my lamp and closed my eyes.

I felt august hand rap around me. He slipped his hands in my underwear and started to rub on my clit. Stop I said in a moan he just looked and smirked.

He slowly put his head under the cover starting to rub and suck on my clit again. Oh yes I said trying not to be loud.


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