Chapter 29

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"Yeah we heard some of your music and we wanna fly you out to LA because we wanna give you some tracks and make you the star you been wanting to be, but the only thing is you have to stay out here for 6 months" This new producer said.

Thanks bruh I'll see you on the 25th I said circling the date on the calendar in the kitchen. I hung up the phone smiling but my smile fell once I heard Aliyah coming. I didn't know how in the hell I was gonna tell her that I was moving to LA for 6 months and that she couldn't come.

"Hey baby who was that" she said coming up to me kissing my lips. Nobody I said clearing my throat. I loved Aliyah but I needed to find the right time to tell her that I was gonna be gone.


Me and my so called boyfriend don't even talk anymore because I found him cheating I said crying on the phone to my mom also while driving. "It's gonna be alright that just means he wasn't for you" my momma said trying to calm me down.

I mean I know that momma I said stopping and cleaning my eyes. The only thing about it is the same girl who slept with Aliyah man is the same one my nigga slept with, she better hope I don't come and beat her ass.

"Sky now watch your mouth" but momma I'm just so mad I said starting to cry again.


August maybe we not meant to have a baby together I said still playing with his hair. "Huh?, what you mean" he said frowning.

I mean maybe you should have a baby by someone else and maybe I should do the same because every time we have a baby together I always lose it because of stress because it seems every time I get pregnant you stress me out or do stupid stuff.

"Aliyah how many times I gotta tell you I'm sorry he said turning off his back onto his stomach kissing my inner thigh.

I mean I believe you believe what you saying august I really do I said sighing.


Y'all the final chapter is next this is the chapter that everything you ever wondered will be answered and more don't miss it it's gonna be LITT!!!!!!!!!

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