chapter 9

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August why didn't you tell  Alexa that you and I were married I said sighing sitting down on the bed.

" I was drunk that night me and Alexa did what we did" he said with his hands on his face.

You know what august I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore and I think I need a break.

"Baby I'm sorry" he said looking dead In my eyes.

No I'm sorry I said looking at him. Im sorry that I thought you would not cheat on me. I'm tired of fighting all of these girls and I don't wanna be that type of person and I don't want my son to be like that.

I went to the closet and started to get all my stuff and put it in the suitcase.

August I will text you and let you know where Josiah birthday will be. Till then please don't call me.

I was so over august. Over the years I had fought 14 girls over him and I'm tired of fighting and I don't like putting my hands on people.


"Your almost 7 months" ms.williams the doctor said

I know I can't wait to meet my little girl I said with a big smile on my face.

"Alright I'm going to get your discharge papers"

Ok I said pulling out my phone and Texting my mom. Once I had the baby I promised that I would move back home.

And I was second guessing that promise that I made I wasn't sure If I was ready to move back home.

"Alright here you go"  the doctor said walking back In the room.

Alright doc I'll see you in 3 weeks I said grabbing my purse and walking out the office.


1 week later.

It had been a week and I still had not talk to Aaliyah. And I was worried sick about her.

And then I got alexa on the other hand and I just wanted this all to be over so I called the both of them to set up a dinner to set the record straight.

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