•Chapter One•

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It is a miracle that, two years later the same boy is sitting in a lush green park, the sounds of kids playing prominent and the smell of fresh cut grass intoxicating. He had a sketchbook open on his lap, by his side, a large White Shepherd wearing a baby blue jacket-like harness that read, in large black letters

 He had a sketchbook open on his lap, by his side, a large White Shepherd wearing a baby blue jacket-like harness that read, in large black letters

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'Please don't touch me, I'm working'

Currently she appeared to be asleep in the grass, but her ears were still alert, listening for any threat as her boy sat sketching.

A man began to walk up, and the boy stiffened. The dog picked this up instantly, standing and moving to a position she could better defend the boy.

"Hello" the man said and the boy frowned, and signed back 'hello' cautiously. The man laughed

"Are you deaf?" He asked and the boy shook his head "mute then?" The boy shook his head again and quickly signed. The man shook his head

"I don't understand sign language im sorry" he said with a sympathetic frown. The boy flipped a page over in his book and began to write.

I just don't speak, nothing worth saying.

The man laughs again, a slightly smile on his face

"I'm Louis, and you are?" He asks and the boy smiles, writing down a name before extending a hand.

"well it's nice to meet you Harry, we should meet up sometime, you seem like you'd be a great friend" Harry smiles and nods warily, writing down his number, nervous to do so, but he knows he's silly to think this way. They are all not like him. He rips it out of the book and extends it to the Louis.

The way Louis reaches for it must have irked the dog in some way because a moment before she was sitting calmly, studying this new person, and now she was planted in front of Harry, growling viciously, having snapped at Louis. Harry gasps and taps her on the head. She turns to look at him and he signs something to her. She must have understood him because she sat back down, still eyeing Louis suspiciously. Harry passes his number over and Louis takes it timidly, afraid to make the large dog get defensive again.

"What's her problem?" Louis asks and Harry shrugs

'I'm sorry' he writes 'she's here to protect me, I suppose she didn't like the way you reached or something, don't take it personal'

"It's alright, she's only doing her job, What's her name?" Louis asks and Harry points to her harness, which has the name 'sparrow' written on it in black.

"That's a cool name, and she's a beautiful dog"

Harry smiles and nods, pushing his hair back from his face, ruffling it lightly as he does so.

"Well it was nice to meet you Harry! I suppose I'll call you sometime" he says and then reddens

"er, texting you may be better, sorry" he says embarrassed but Harry only laughs, writing

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