•Chapter Twenty-Six•

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Harry had run out of the house into the swirling snow and hurried to his car, not caring that he left sparrow behind, trapped in the house, not caring his had left his coat inside, hung on the hook next to the door. He turned the key and the engine went thorough a moment of sputtering before roaring to life, heat beginning to blast from the vents. Harry shivered in his seat as he pulled out of the driveway, turning left along the road, planning to go to the only place he could think of to calm down this late at night, to see his sister, which was a three hour drive on a good night.

He wiped his eyes with his sleeve while he drove, trying his best to stay on what he hoped to be the road, but he couldn't tell as he drove in near blackout conditions, the snow swirling around the car, making it look like he was driving down a tunnel of stars, paved with glass.

This is why he didn't see the drunk driver.

This was why when he slammed on his breaks, he just slid instead of stopping.

This was why he couldn't get out of the way in time as the driver swerved into his lane.

This was how he ended up in a near fatal car accident.

But this didn't explain why the driver in the other car drove away unharmed.

Harry's seatbelt had come undone when he hit the other driver, his car flipping over and over, he felt a burning, searing, white hot pain in his arm, his ribs, his collar bone, his stomach, his head, his chest. Everywhere hurt as his car rolled, until he was ejected through the windshield that had been shattered moments before, the impact of his body making it fall apart.

He seemed to go in slow motion as he fell, His only thought as he fought to remain conscious was to protect his baby, a biological urge so powerful he managed to fold himself around his small bump to the best of his broken, feeble, ability, protecting his unborn child somewhat from the impact of hitting the hard frozen earth. When he did hit, a sharp pain blossomed  from his leg as it bent in a way that would make a professional contortionist lose their meal. The fluffy newly fallen snow flew up around him as he lost consciousness, the pain taking over his mangled body as he lay on his side, unable to move afraid he'd make it worse.

It would be hours before anyone found him, barely clinging to life, half buried in the red snow, shivering uncontrollably.

When a car finally drove past, a black Honda Civic, it slammed on its breaks, skidding to a screeching stop and throws on her emergency blinkers. A girl gets out, zipping up her coat tightly as she runs towards Harry, looking at her phone before she shoves it up towards her ear, talking to someone, but Harry couldn't quite understand as he lay there in pain,  but consciousness was life and Harry knew it, if he let go, if he passed out, he would never wake up again, never see Louis again, and never have the chance to see his child.

Despite wanting to terminate the pregnancy it was all Harry could think about, the unborn baby he was carrying.

The woman collapsed into the snow next to him, not touching him afraid she would cause more damage, she listened to his chest, hovering above him, gently touched his neck, then noticed his bump, his shirt having been ripped up, and had ridden up to show the taught bloody flesh.

Her lips start to move faster, in a panic now because the situation had become even more dire. Harry still couldn't pick out what it was she was saying, even though he tried his best to concentrate his vision was fading and he knew he was going to pass out soon.He just watched she snow fall down on top of him as she ran off, coming back with a blanket, throwing it over him before applying pressure with bandages from a first aid kid to anywhere it looked safe (and necessary) to do so.

She was glad she took that first aid class last year, it might just help her save someone life.

Her footprints filled and she made new ones as she waited, pacing back and forth to the road every few minutes, chewing her nails and shivering in her furry coat and short winter boots that the snow had filled long ago. She couldn't have been more then 17, long dark hair pulled back in a grey hat with a Pom Pom on it. She had find brown eyes and soft, albeit cold hands, careful as she kept Harry awake, and stopped most of his bleeding.

When she heard the sirens, loud wailing noise coming in the distance she leapt to her feet, running to the road to meet the paramedics, who appeared in a haze of red and blue emergency light, and congratulated her on possibly saving this mans life. They got Harry onto the stretcher, into s c-collar and began to warm him, stitching up what they could, stopping the bleeding where they could. The girl rode in the ambulance with him, taking his hand when he needed it, stretching his fingers with a plead in his eye as he looked around fearfully.

They lost him twice on the short ride to the hospital, his heart had stopped but they brought him back both times, the second time harder then the first. When they arrived at the hospital, the girl was left in the waiting room, realizing she held something in her hands, she looked down to seea ring, and as they rushed the man off, he spoke to her in sign language loose and disoriented as he lost consciousness, something she didn't recognize, but she knew it had been sign language.

It was branded into her brain as she sat down in a hard chair. After a few minutes a police officer walked up to her, trying to get as much information as she could about the accident, and the girl complied, answering every question the officer threw at her. She told them about the everything she knew, and after they called a translator down so she could show what the man had said, to try and figure out who he was.

A tall, portly man approached him a few minutes later, wearing a pair of wire rimmed glasses, perched on the end of his nose. He watched as the girl tried to recreate what the man had signed, but her memory was fading, and he wasn't very careful to "pronounce" each hand movement.

The man concluded he had most likely said something about a guy named Louis, to get him, that his name was either Harry or Harvey and that he had thanked her. From this the police identified him, and thanked the girl, who twisted the beautiful rose gold ring in his fingers, too stunned to hand it over to the police, or even realize that she should.

Not long after a frantic man with feathery brown hair, eyes the colour of a thunder storm and a look of terror on his face stumbled into the waiting room, and she took this as her queue to leave, knowing Harry had someone here with him. She forget about the ring that she had pushed snugly onto her pointer finger, afraid to lose it, and walked away with it. Later, when she was home in bed, she hoped to see one of the two boys again to return it.

She walked out into the snow, which was beginning to slow now and realized her car was still on the side of the road a twenty minute drive from here. She sighed and picked up her phone to call a taxi, then she called her grandma, the only family she had, to let her know she was safe and would explain when she got home. They talked for a moment then exchanged I love yous and ended the call, the girls hand falling to her side, holding her phone loosely.

The taxi arrived and she slid into the back seat, leaving the hospital parking lot and heading back to the scene of the accident, hoping the police would let her take her car so she could go home, shower and go to bed.

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