•Chapter Nineteen•

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Harry was huddled up on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, knees to his chest. He had a cup of tea in his cold pale hands, and the purple bags under his eyes couldn't be more distinct. His eyes were red and his nose was running, his long hair limp, greasy and straight was pulled up into a sloppy bun.

Harry was tired, sick and upset.

He wanted Louis to cuddle him but Louis was out getting groceries. He didn't know what came over him, but all of a sudden he was crying. He began to cry more in frustration and confusion as he wrapped his blankets tighter around him, trapping in as much warmth as he could. He had about four blankets around him, plus his warmest pyjamas and a bathrobe (Louis) but he was still shivering as he broke down, which made him more upset.

A few minutes later Louis walked in, hands laden with groceries.

"Harry! I'm home!" He calls and then comes into view. He noticed Harry's tear stained face and drops the bags, walking over to him

"What's wrong love?" He asks, a frown of concern on his face and Harry shakes his head

'I don't know!' He signs frantically and opens his arms. Louis smiles, taking the cold mug from Harry's clammy hands and placing it on the end table, he sits down, pulling Harry close making the younger boy sniffle and sigh contentedly, nuzzling into Louis neck, stealing his body warmth and letting himself be comforted by the familiar scent that was purely Louis.

After a few minutes, Harry's sniffles and hitched breaths turned into hiccups and Louis chuckled.

"Even your hiccups are cute, you know that?" He asks and Harry smiles lightly

"Are you okay now?" Louis asks and Harry nods "what was that?"

Harry sighs and shrugs 'you were gone and I was cold and sick and just wanted to cuddle... I don't know why it upset me so much. I'm just a little emotional when I'm sick. Mom always used to say that' Harry signs and Louis smiles

"Next time text me and I'll come right home okay?" Louis says and Harry nods sniffing as Louis kisses his forehead.

"I'm going to put away the groceries okay?" He says and Harry nods, sitting back up

"Then I'll make you some chicken noodle soup?" He asks and Harry nods happily

'Can you put those little star crackers in it? I like those' Harry signs and Louis nods

"Sure Haz, be back in a few" he says walking over and picking the groceries up off the floor and heading to the kitchen.

True to his word, Louis comes back a few minutes later with a bowl of soup, filled with little star crackers. He hands it to Harry, but it catches the dogs nose first. Sparrow sniffs the air for a moment before laying her head back down, knowing she would get something soon, but goose sprang up and tried to knock the bowl out of Louis hands. Louis dodged him, not wanting to spill hot soup on anyone, and once the soup reaches Harry he pulls goose back and locks him in the kitchen

"It's not homemade soup, it's some of that canned stuff but I'd burn homemade soup" Louis says and Harry nods, taking a spoonful into his mouth.

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