•Chapter Twenty-Two•

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They woke up in the morning to kids jumping all over them. Harry instinctively rolled over, shielding his stomach without even thinking about it.

He curls into Louis, wrapping his arms over himself until Louis sat and pulled the twins off of them.

"All right Ernie, calm down" he says placing the little boy on the floor.

"Is everyone else up?" He asks and the twins nod in unison

Harry sits up and stretches, squeaking out a yawn before pulling his robe off the floor and slipping it over himself quickly, having slept in a loose t-shirt.

They watched watched as the kids opened all their gifts and discovered Santa had eaten some cookies and drank some milk. During this Louis had pulled Harry to his side and both watched as their gifts piled before them.

"Our kids will be here one day, opening gifts on Christmas morning with the whole family" Louis said and Harry closes his eyes, trying to imagine the pain that would be on Louis face when he told him. He knew he had to, he couldn't go though with this alone but he couldn't bear to break Louis heart, he knew how much Louis wanted kids.

He shaken from his thoughts by his mother who seemed to be chatting with Louis mother. Louis had warned his family before they came, and this showed as Jay spoke to Anne.

Harry watched as they chatted and smiled, noticing his mother seemed more herself then she had been in a while, which made him happy. He loved to see her happy like this.

"Here Harry" Louis says and Harry sits up turning to Louis, who handing him a small box. When he opened it he blushed scarlet and closed it tight again, smacking Louis on the arm

"You looked so good in them before I had to get you some more" Louis says in a low voice sending a shiver down Harry's spine. "Here, this is the rest of your gift" he says handing over a slightly larger box. Inside was a charmed aroma bath bomb, a gift card to the craft store Harry bought his supplies in, and a Himalayan rock salt lamp. Harry gasped and pulled it out, the peachy-pink colour catching the light.

"It's beautiful Harry" Gemma says and Harry nods, standing to place it on his mantel, plugging it in. That's when it occurs to Harry he hadn't given Louis his birthday present yet. He strides into the kitchen and grabs it, coming and handing it and Louis Christmas present to him.

when he opened his birthday present he swore turning to Harry

"Harry you didn't" he says looking down at the case in his hand

'I did' Harry says happily watching as Louis pulled the small ukulele out of its bag and strummed it.

"Thank you Harry, it's-its amazing" he says, pulling Harry into a hug

"You used to play the ukulele when you were a teenager Louis, do you remember?" Jay asks and louis nods

'Open your Christmas present' Harry signs and Louis does, pulling off the wrapping to reveal a large blanket with a picture of himself and Harry on it. He gasps when he sees it, standing so he could hold it up and see all of it. Everyone awes and Gemma squints at the bottom

"To Louis, I...know I haven't known you that long, but I feel like we've known each other forever, your my best friend, my soulmate and I don't know where I would be without you. Your my home sunshine, and I wouldn't have it any other way. All the love, H" Gemma reads off and Louis looks to Harry tearily, before collapsing on him in a fit of tears and kisses

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