•Chapter Twenty-Eight•

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"W-what?" Louis asks tears building in his eyes

"I'm sorry sir, but he isn't going to wake up, were unsure why this happens sometimes" The doctor spoke and Louis heart breaks, tears beginning to trace paths down his face.

"You have the option to keep him on life support, send him to a facility and let nature take its course, but the kindest option is to remove him from life support"

"I-is there any way the baby can be saved?" Louis asks and the doctor frowns

"You can hold off on removing life support, let the baby come to term and we could preform a c-section, but it would be risky, if he were to contact an infection, or his body temperature plummeted. It would be difficult, but possible" the doctor informs him and Louis looks down at Harry's peaceful face, his head shaking quickly.

"He wouldn't want that, I-it would feel wrong to keep him alive just to use his body as an incubator" Louis says, biting his lip hard.

"I can say I support that decision, I can leave you to think on weather or not you'd like to remove him from life support, take all the time you need" the doctor says. 

"Thank you..." Louis says but the doctor is already gone, the sliding doors closing behind him.

Louis breaks down into tears, bending his head to press Harry's warm hand to his face, wrapping it in both of his gently. Sparrow seemed distraught as well, she had for days, but her grief was now worsened by Louis breakdown, and she let out one pitiful whine after another.

When Louis calmed down he called Gemma and tearily explained the situation.

She began to cry as well "Louis, do what you think is right, do what Harry would want, ill pick up mom and be there soon." Gemma says shakily then hangs up. The starting of a car engine is cut of as the phone beeps.

It's a hour before the doctor come back, clip word in hand.

"Have you made a decision?" He asks

Louis nods choking back a sob and reaches to take the clipboard the doctor was holding by his side. He shakily signed what felt like his boyfriend death warrant before returning his hand to Harrys. Lovely, amazing, generous Harry. He was going to lose him. An onslaught of memories surge forth, when they first met, the camping trip where they found Zorra, moving in, the first time they made love, when he brought goose home, presenting the promise ring, their first Christmas together all cumulating inside his head, fighting for attention.

"I..we can give you a few minutes to say goodbye then we'll get started" the doctor says

"Can we wait for his sister to get here, and his mother?" Louis asks and the doctor frowns

"Yes we can wait, but not long, he is an organ donor, there are people waiting for his organs all across the country" the doctor says and Louis sniffs shaking his head with a fond smile 

"Even dead Harry is still helping people" he says and then nods "thank you"

The doctor leaves Louis to his tears as he sat beside the unconscious body of his boyfriend, best friend and soulmate. He notices the absence of Harry's ring and it makes him even more upset, like not seeing the ring means he broke his promise to the man laying before him.

"H-Harry, I love you" Louis whispers and it's all he can get out before he breaks down in tears again clutching Harry's hand in his own tenderly.

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