•Chapter Ten•

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Harry sat shocked, trying to take in what Louis just said.

'Tell me what kind of trouble exactly and I can help. Please let me help.'

Harry was pretty confident in what type of trouble Louis was in but he wanted to be sure before he acted

Louis simply shook his head

"There's nothing you can do. I-I'm a shitty boyfriend. I'm practically cheating on you and I just put you in danger to protect myself" Louis says tears still streaming down his face

'Please explain Louis' Harry signs gently

Louis sighs and sits up pulling off his shirt, balling it in his fists. Harry gasps, his hand flying to his mouth as he reaches out to gently touch Louis chest.

His tanned skin was scattered with bruises, large and small, old and new, some were yellowing with age but others were the blue, purple and black of fresh bruises.

"H-his name is Ryan, w-we've been dating for nearly three years. H-he wasn't like this first. He was sweet, t-treated me right, brought me gifts and cooked me dinner. We moved in after a little over six months and he started to...change" Louis says

'How so?' Harry asked and Louis shrugged

"He started to yell a lot more, get mad over simple things then one day, I burned some mac n cheese, which was normal for me, I can't cook but I thought I'd at least try when make him some dinner since he worked all day. Anyways I burned it and he just.... lost it. That was the first time he hit me. It got worse from there. It's escalated so much since... he..he makes me do things I don't want to, a-all I can do is lie there and take it. He's usually drunk and wanders off somewhere after." Louis says and Harry can't comprehend what he's hearing. He suspected something like this but not to this severity.

He now noticed the size of the bags under Louis eyes, large and purple with lack of sleep. He noticed Louis disheveled hair, it was greasy and unkempt. He shook and Harry quickly grabbed an old blanket off a shelf and, after helping Louis back into his shirt, wrapped Louis in it and pulled him gently closer.

'What can i do to help' he signs and Louis shrugs

"Not much you can do, the police won't take me seriously, a man beating another man? It's nothing to them. A man being R-raped? They don't care Harry. They never will. It's useless to try."

'Your staying here for a while' Harry signs and Louis sighs

"How am I supposed to do that, it's only going to make him angrier, the sooner I get home the easier he's going to go." Louis says and Harry's taken a back again. He debates for a moment before deciding it was worth it

'Take sparrow. If I tell her to listen to you she will. I can tell you the commands you'll need. You need her more then I do.'

Louis looks at him shocked before shaking his head

"You need her Harry, I can't take her from you, she protects you, she give you comfort from whatever happened to you" Louis says and Harry suddenly becomes aware he's never told Louis what actually happened that night. He lifts Louis chin.

'I was attacked on the street on my way home. The guy beat me and stabbed me in my stomach.' Harry lifted his shirt to show Louis a wound in his stomach, the raised scar serving as a reminder of that might. Louis goes to speak but Harry cuts him off

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