•Chapter Thirty-Three•

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It was a mere few months later when Harry gasped, the sound so loud Louis came racing out of the kitchen fearfully, only to see harry staring at his stomach, hands encasing it tentatively, watching intently. He jumped slighly and reajusted the position of one of his hands, glancing up briefly and motioning Louis over.

Louis walked over and crouched before harry, who took his hand and placed it on the top of his stomach, the moved it an inch or so to the right, then down a little before stopping and taking Louis other hand in his squeezing it before pressing the first hand down into his stomach.

Then Louis felt it, a small jolt, then another, and another harder one under his palm. Then he looked up to harry watery eyed and shocked, not believing what he felt.

"T-they kicked?" he asked and Harry nodded, bursting into tears and letting Louis pull him into a hug, pulling Harry gently onto his lap, so Harry was straddling him so his belly was squished gently between them, small gentle kicks felt here and there sporadically.

They just held each other and as Harry weeped and Louis grinned so broadly he thought his cheeks would shatter.

A week after that Harry was at the stove, cooking when he whimpered out a curse, gripping the counter in a white knuckled grip, bending forwards.

"You okay love?" Louis asks getting up and moving to Harry, placing a hand on his back, between his shoulder blades . Harry just nods, eyes clenched shut for a moment until the feeling passed, then he straightened up and went back to cooking.

"Do you want some help?" Louis asks and Harry shakes his head no.

Louis frowned and nodded moving to sit back down at the table again.

Then, when they were eating lunch, Harry swore loudly, groaning lightly and pressing a hand hard into his belly. He rubbed it, pressing his fingers into the taught flesh and gripping the table until Louis couldn't take watching this anymore

"Are you sure your okay? Is bug okay?" He asked and Harry nodded but then he squeaked and gripped the table so hard his finger nails scratched the surface, leaving deep discoloured gouges in the surface of the wood.

"Something's wrong" he says quickly, a scared tone to his voice.

"Im sure it's nothing love don't worry, lets go get you both check out. Get your coat. I'll start the car" he says and then bolts from the room, grabbing his coat from the rack and running outdoors. He starts the car, making sure all the appropriate settings were on to warm it up. Then he runs back inside and finds Harry struggling with his coat.

Louis gently shifts it to where it was meant to be then helped Harry pull it on before ushering him out the door and into the passenger seat of the car.

They rush to the hospital and get Harry inside, checking in and sitting in the waiting room until a doctor came out retrieve him. Louis tapping his foot and holding Harry's hand anxiously all the while.

When she finally comes she leads them to an exam room and tells them to sit.

"What seems to be the problem?" She asks and Harry worries at his stomach, fingers tapping, rubbing and pressing into the taught drum.

"I-I had this pain, here" he says, gesturing to an area on his lower stomach 'it was the worst pain I've ever experienced. It sort of traveled down and stayed for a minute before it went away. Then I had another one a few minutes ago, it was even worse then the first one'

Louis translates the last part, Harry having switched to sign language without realizing, or without caring who could understand.

"Okay, let's check you out to make sure it isn't anything serious" she says with a smiles and they begin.

"Braxton hicks?" He asks and the doctor nods

"Fake contractions, it's sort of like a test run for when the baby is actually born" she explains

"Yeah, I remember mom had them. There nothing to worry about right?" Louis asks, holding Harry's hand, thumb rubbing over the back of Harry's soothingly.

"Nothing to be worried about, but you were right to come in" she says "better to be safe then sorry when it comes to the little ones"

Then was what his body had been preparing for. He woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, a guttural screaming grunt waking Louis instantly, coming to to find his boyfriend doubled over in pain.

He flicked on the lamp on the bedside table, pushing his glasses frantically onto his nose, fumbling briefly. He looks next to him worriedly finding the bed wet around Harry, who was wheezing and moaning, covered in sweat.

"It's okay, breath angel, lets get you to the hospital and have this baby" he says and Harry nods rapidly as Louis helps him to get up and change.

He gets dressed and grabs his pre packed diaper bag before heading to the hospital. They get there and rush Harry into surgery.

Two hours later Louis holds his son while Harry sleeps across the room. He pushes the blanket back from the little boys face and smiles. Pulling him closer up toward his face, watching the little boys already green eyes lock on his, nuzzling their identical noses together affectionately.

"Sebastian" he says gently "my little Sebastian"

Harry leaves Sebastian for the first time nearly a month later and Louis had to call his sister to watch him for Harry to even agree.

They go out to a fancy restaurant and Louis fiddles with the box in his pocket. He opened and closed it anxiously, while Harry babbled on happily speaking aloud and in sign language while he waited for their food.

"You know, it's nice to be out for a change, I've been so cooped up lately I didn't even realize how crazy it was making me" Harry voices and Louis nods, laughing lightly

"Well you snapped at me this morning for not using a coaster when I actually was" Louis says and Harry blushes apologizing again.

"It's okay, I know your stressed, just enjoy your evening" he says and Harry smiles

When their food was done, Louis cleared his throat and began to speak

"We've know each other for over a year now and you I think your the most wonderful person I've ever met... your caring, loving, determined, dedicated, a little possessive sometimes-" he blanches then and stutters

"No! Not possessive, more protective and passionate and-and loving and determined, wait I've already said this" Louis says dropping his head into his hands

"It's okay Louis, breathe" Harry says reaching across the table to touch Louis hand.

Then another man gets up and proposes across the restaurant and Louis thinks it's beautiful, unlike his own. Everyone starts clapping, and when Harry looks back to Louis with a lightly smile on his face, it drops instantly, because he's watching as Louis runs out of the restaurant.

He was utterly hurt and confused until the waiter comes over and places a plate in front of him, looking at Louis empty place confused.

Harry looks down at the plate and gasps. It contained a beautifully crafted chocolate mousse, strawberries dipped in chocolate all around.

And... sitting in the dollop of whipped cream on top of the chocolate was a glittering ring.

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