•Chapter Four•

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Harry wasn't happy.

He was sitting, watching some stranger test his dog in the things he already knew she was perfect at. Defending him, guiding people, retrieving things and a whole host of other things like staying and not reacting to stimulants (children, treats etc).

He had been here for almost two hours, waiting for his turn and now waiting for sparrow to be let go. He was beginning to get annoyed because he was confident sparrow was better then good at her job.

In the end Harry rolled his eyes and went into the room, and up to his dog, earning a glare from the instructor. He sat cross legged in front of his dog and held up a hand. She sat. He lowered his hand and she lay down. Then he flicked his hand, she rolled over, he pretended to shoot shoot her and she flinched and played dead, then he rose his hand and she stood. He stood and Rose his hand and his stood on her back legs, she spun his finger and she turned around still on her back legs. Then he made her jump, and speak, chase her tail in two directions and give all four of her paws to him (individually of course) he made her say please and thank you (thank you  being cross her paws and lower her front half to a lying position and a please being sitting on her launches and giving him both her paws) finally he made her give him a hug by standing with his arms stretched out to her. She got on her back legs and hugged him with her paws on his shoulder and her head tucked into his neck. He repeated this sitting down and then moved on.

He stood and made her sit before signing various things to her such as his phone, a bottle of water, turn on the bath, wipe your paws, follow, stay, and defend (which meant her standing near his feet and on alert)

Once he called her off and made her sit in front of him again he turned to the instructor with his arms crossed.

"Well...." She starts "your dogs is very....Advanced" she continues

Harry nods, rolling his eyes in annoyance because he already knows this as he sighs 'heel' to sparrow subtly, not even looking at her or making a sound to alert her of the command but she instantly listened.

Harry holds up a finger and crouches down partly, clapping his hands, and sparrow jumps onto his back, using his shoulders as a springboard to get to the top of the wall he was standing next to. It had a ladder on it and was used to teach the dogs to climb up and sometimes (depending on the slope) down,  but sparrow had just scaled the almost 8 foot wall with only a little help.

The examiner looked at him shocked as he opened his arms and his dog jumped down into them, while Harry did not breaking eye contact with the the shocked woman the whole time.

"Well... I think your dog is defiantly up to par" she says and harry signs

'You think?'

She laughs "I'm sorry I know these tests are annoying but it's mandatory, I know you know your dog and if she's preforming how she should but we need to make sure"

Harry nods and smiles 'I suppose it's no problem, but can we make less frequent appointments? Like a hundred a year is a bit excessive for her'

The examiner nods and laughs at his exaggeration "I'll see what I can do okay?"

Harry nods and smiles before signing the necessary paperwork and exiting the building, sparrow sporting a brand new engraved dog tag that certified her.

He got into his car and strapped sparrow in in the passenger seat before pulling his seatbelt on and pulling out of the parking lot.

He had a long drive ahead of him to get home, and he had an idea of what he wanted to do this evening. It was one of sparrows favourite things to do, his as well and he was thinking about asking Louis to go with him.

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