•Chapter Thirty-One•

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With Louis help, Harry got ready for his lunch date with Babette. He lets Louis french braid his hair, and he slips on a comfortable sweater and a pair of leggings.

He jumps when a knock sounds on the door and scurries to answer it, Louis trailing him, waiting at the top of the stairs while harry goes down into the porch to let Babette in.

When he opens the door she launches herself on him, her long blond hair smothering him as he hisses in pain stumbling back, a hand moving to his stomach as he moves back.

She looks at him confused for a moment before Louis descends and pulls harry to his side

"You okay?" he whispers, hand moving to Harry stomach.

Harry nods, straightening up again a pained expression on his face.

"Are you okay?" Babette asks and Harry nods. Her eyes cut to Louis and she smirks, taking Harry by the arm and steering him upstairs and into the kitchen, having been here before to know where everything is.

She sits down at the table and harry sits down across from her.

"So who was that?" she asks, one eyebrow raised, pushing her long straight hair back from her face and tucking it behind her ear.

"His name is Louis, He's amazing, we've been together since the summer." Harry responds

"Its so weird to hear your voice" Babette answers as harry's hand subconsciously moves to his stomach, thumb rubbing circles over the top of it.

'I don't speak all the time, I swap back and forth when I feel like it' harry responds, signing the words

"So, explain about the accident" Babette asks and harry sighs

'It all started when Louis began talking about kids, asking if i wanted any, we got in a big fight about it, I yelled at him and ran out. I got into a car accident and got thrown from the car, they had to reattach my arm, I was on life support for a while, and they thought i was brain dead, but when they finally decided to unplugged me I woke up. Nobody could believe it.'

"Wow" Babette responds and Harry nods

"So, did he accept the fact you just...can't have kids?" Babette asks quietly and harry smiles, chuckling lightly

"Bit late for that" Harry says gently, looking down with a blush.

"Wait...your not?" She asks, a small gasp escaping her lips as she leans forwards.

Harry just nods looking back to her with a watery expression.

'I-I don't know how I'm going to do this, but I can't even think about aborting, i-i used to, before the accident, I had an appointment and everything, but now, I just can't. I can't do that to Louis, and to be straight with you, I'm starting to get attached to it, Louis called it our little bug the other night, like Love bug and it just made my heart swell.'

"That's sweet Harry, if you need anything, I'm here okay? Can i maybe..." she asks leaning forwards, hand extended

"yeah" Harry says, standing up and moving over to let Babette touch the small swell on his stomach. He winches as the sweater hooks on his incision.

"Whats wrong?" She asks and harry shakes his head

'I had surgery, its still healing and the sweater hooked on it is all' Harry signs and Babette nods

"Oh, so thats why when i hugged you, you..."

"Yeah, hit me a bit hard" harry says

"Im sorry!" She says, her accent strong and harry laughs

"It's okay, you didn't know" Harry says and she sighs

"Im still sorry" she says pulling harry in for a gentle hug.

"Darling, where is the book you were reading me last night? It was really good" Louis says, poking his head into the kitchen

'it's on the table in the living room, either that or the bookshelf' harry signs to him and he nods

"C-can you read it to me again, I like your voice" Louis says sheepishly and harry nods

'yeah, come in here and meet Babette'

Louis moves into the room, and pulls a chair out, sitting beside harry.

"Louis" Louis says extending a hand, and Babette takes it

"Babette" Babette responds, shaking it

"I like your accent" Louis says and she smiles

"Thank you" she answers

'I'll just be in the living room' Louis signs to harry and harry smiles

'I Love you'

'I love you too Angel' Louis responds before leaving the room

"He knows sign language?" Babette asks and Harry laughs

'yeah, he learned it for me so it would be easier for us to talk, not literally but you get it' Harry answers and Babette smiles

"Thats really cute" She says as sparrow walks into the room, trotting over to lap at the water in her dish, Zorra hot on her tail

"You have a fox!?" Babette shrieks and Harry laughs

"Her name is Zorra, me and Louis rescued her a while back" Harry responds, getting up and picking her up, making her chatter and bark, twisting around to look at him, her thick fur puffing up. He hands her to Babette, who holds her gently and pets her head, smoothing down the orange fur there.

"We have two dogs, a cat, a bird and a fox. Louis had a bird before we moved in together, and a dog which was living with his family. We rescued the fox and obviously i already and Monty and Sparrow." he chirps loudly, and goose comes running into the room, hitting the door facing as he skids around the corner.

"Wow, he's huge" Babette says and Harry laughs,

"Yeah he's a sheepdog" Harry repsonds and she laughs, pushing the shaggy fur back from his eyes

"Hi!" She says in a high pitched voice, and he licks her face quickly. She laughs and moves her hand backwards letting the fur fan back over his face.

Sparrow trotted over then, laying her head on Babette's lap.

Harry and Babette spend the rest of the evening taking, taking about everything from Louis and babies, to Babette's family and her trip to visit them.

Harry glanced at the time and gasped, noticing the time. They hand talked though supper, and it was nearly seven o'clock.

Harry and Babette say goodbye, Babette kissing harry on the cheek gently, leaving some pink lipgloss on his skin. Then she leaves, saying goodbye to Sparrow as she goes. She makes harry promise to keep in contact, then she's gone.

Harry walks back to the living room, noticing Louis was sleeping on the couch.

Harry smiles and sits down on the couch beside louis, shifting louis so he was leaning against harry's side. He just took a deep breath and settled into harry's side, a smile on his face.

It wasn't until later that night that it happened. Harry had gotten to his feet, himself and Louis heading to bed when he fell, tripping over his feet and tumbled to the floor, a pained yelp escaping his mouth as blood seeped through the front of his sweater. Propping himself up on his elbows he looked down at it, Louis looking down at him in shock then he whimpered, his eyes rolling back in his head as he fell backwards, thumping flat on the floor, out cold.

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