When I First Saw Him

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  So I am not the type of girl who has crushes. Never had one so this feeling, well it felt weird.

  On the 3 day of school (first 2 days we were in advisory instead of classes) I walk into my English class. The bell rings, we do announcements, and then the teacher begins to pass out her syllabus. I look up and that's when I saw him. A little taller than me, dirty blonde hair that went across his forehead, and ivory green eyes. He was a sight to see. The prettiest person in the room. Throughout the class I felt I was being watched so, I looked up and he was staring right at me! He quickly looked downwards and I did too. Before I knew it the bell rings and we are dismissed. I walk up to him,

"He-he-hey" I studdered. But it only came out as a quiet whisper, and then he was gone. My stomach got all flutterly, as I became upset with myself. Why couldn't I say anything to him?

  The day went on, classes and lunch and more classes. Until, 6 hour. My teacher had a seating chart and I found my seat. I sat down, and looked around. There he was! Sitting on my left side, at an angle is the guy who looked like Steve Rogers! Except he didn't have blue eyes.
All throughout the class from the corner of my eyes I can see him glance at me. I glanced at him too, probably giving myself away.

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