Who He Is

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It has been about a week. I have learned his name is Bob. In class he is very quiet. He doesn't speak unless the teacher calls upon him. And in the halls he keeps to himself. I have tried to talk to him, but every time my words get stuck in my throat. I glance at him, some glances a bit longer than others, but look away before he notices. There are times when my stomach drops because we make eye contact.. but I am the one that always look away first, smiling.

  In history class, 6 hour, something interesting happened! So, the class went as normal teacher teaching, taking notes, but the teacher said something and I made a remark under my breath. Suddenly, I hear Bob chuckling! I mean why would he hear me? How could he hear me? Did he actually listen to what I said? 

My mind was racing with these questions, it is so odd because I have never felt this way! It was hard for me to think straight because every time I looked up, we made eye contact!  He was watching me work! Then we hold a gaze for only a moment and with a cute side smile he would look down, leaving me speechless and palms sweaty.

(Hey guys any advice? Any criticism? Any thing I can get better on? Was thinking about writing it like a story story but, have decided for it to be a diary instead.)

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