My Mistake??

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  I got to 6 hour as normal. Make up work and classes on my mind. I get into my seat and Bob walks in. He sits down I say hi but, don't smile back to him. The teacher comes in and hands Bob a card.
     Happy Birthday! Wish you the best!

I was caught off guard. I wish I had a present for him.
"Happy birthday!" I said, smiling this time. And I proceeded to get the class to sing "Happy Birthday" to him. He blushed just about as bad as Steve Rogers. Red in the face that spread to his neck and shoulders. It took everything I had to not laugh.

"How old are you?" I ask with a grin.

"16" he says proudly smiling at me.

"Got any plans for your sweet 16?" I ask trying to make a conversation without forcing it.

"No actually I dont. How about you?"

"It depends on my interest at the time but, planning on staying home and watching netflix."

"Me too! I am planning on making me a lasagna and chilling in front of the t.v."

"No birthday cake or ice cream?"

No just me and my lasagna." He says and looks down, as if he is a bit embarrassed. I look at him and give him a soft smile. Then class started.

    All through class I thought about what I could do as as present. I looked up at him, and smiled as he looked at me, catching me watching. Aha! I know what I am going to do. Before I knew it was 3:00p.m. okay I got 5 minutes before class is over and I go to my next class. My heart begins to pound, my hands are clammy, and my throat is becoming dry. RING!! The bell went off. Maybe I can do it later? I try to convince myself, but deep down, I knew there may be no other time. I stand up and shakily walk to him. I raise my hand to poke him but, stop. He was about to turn around and I knew it was now or never.
"Hey Bob?" I asked while patting his shoulder. He turns and smiles at me, and takes an ear bud out.

"Yeah, Sara?" He asked cooly.

"Would you like a birthday present?" I asked. His eyes got a bit big, and the grip on his backpack tightened, his knuckles turned white. That's when I realized how bad that must of sounded. Like maybe I was offering something more than what was in mind.

"My dad works at Braums and I can hook you up with a birthday sundae or cone if you like." I said in a hurry, trying not to stumble over my words. He looks at me as if he was thinking about it.

"Nah, it's okay. Besides, I got my lasagna." He says in response. By this time we are at the door and he smiles. I watch him walk down the hall then he turns, red in the face, and says something to me that I couldn't make out.

(Hey guys did I sound desperate? I feel as if maybe I did something wrong. Like maybe it was awkward and I didn't realize it. What do you think?)

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