His Remark

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First hour came and went and soon I was walking down the hall. I realized someone was walking in sync next to me, I turn and see, it's BOB!

"Hey Bob!" I said a bit surprised. He turns and faces me, eyes light up, smile across his face, and a but red in the cheeks.

"Hey sara." Then he was gone.

   I walk into my 6 hour class and sit in my chair. He is talking to some other girl and I talk to my friend.

"Hey sara." He says suddenly.

"Hey Bob, how was your lasagna?" I asked.

"It was amaaazzzing." He says putting his head back and drawing out the word with his eyes closed.

"Haha" I chuckle at him.

"Hey you know... If you ever still have that offer open to go to Braums... well I am the guy!" He says smiling really big, and hesitating a bit, all the while remaining eye contact. What? I think to myself. I smile real big.

"Haha okay. I have an interview today so... maybe next time it can be from me." I say unexpectantly.

"At braums!?" He exclaims wide eyed.

"Yeah, after school." I respond.

"Cool" he says, trailing off.

We hold eye contact a little bit smiling at one another, until the teacher comes in.

(I need help guys! What was that remark? Was he asking to hang out!? Please any advice or comments?)

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