His Compliment!!

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    (there was a protest today at my school. I.M. me if you want more info on what it was about.)
     Today was picture day so I straightened my hair. I wore my normal clothes, jeans, boots, and a brown jean jacket that came mid torso and a black to shirt to cover my belly. The pictures were taken in first hour, and so we had to walk by class there. My friend Jade left me, so I was walking by myself when I see Bob walking by himself. I quickly rushed over, trying to leave my fear behind, and tried to start a conversation.

"Hey thought about doing the protest?" I asked a but curiously.

"No" he said sharply. I felt like I did something wrong, and decided the sharpness was from a bad mood, so I let it roll off my back.

"Are you sure? Not even a little?" I asked probingly.

"Okay well I thought about it for a little bit but then decided not to go." He said, nicer this time. "You?"

"Same here. I thought about it but I can't afford anymore tardies in this class so I didn't go." I said a bit shameful. He chuckled and we kept walking.

"Eat any lasagna last night?" I asked jokingly.

"Nope. That is only for very special circumstances." He sighed almost as if he was missing lasagna.

"Oh. So not even a special Friday night?" I asked, but not sure why. He looked at me and smiled and then quickly put his eyes straight ahead.

"Nope not really." He said trying to avoid eye contact.

   We arrived at the photos and then headed to the lab to work on our papers. It took me awhile to find it, so when I walked in everyone was already situated. So I grabbed the closest computer and looked up. There was an open seat by Bob! I was thinking maybe by accident but when someone went to sit there he told them no! I had 2 choices, go sit by him or stay. If I went maybe I would look desperate, and he would then probably figure out I like him. So I decided to stay where I was at. Wrong choice.

   In 6 hour I went in and sat down. I tried to say hi to him but... my friend kept talking to me instead. Eventually she stopped and I turned around to say hi. I felt embarrassed for some reason.. not sure why.

"Never did ask. How are you?" I asked realizing I didn't ask dismorning.

"Abdjibei" the room was so loud I couldn't hear him. I looked at him and cooked my head. I felt bad for not hearing him, so I asked one more time.

"How are you?" I made sure to focus on only him and drown out all the other sound.

"Jskabkdnso" I still couldn't hear and I got mad. I looked around and saw the person who was being so loud and I gave them a death glare. Eventually they quieted down, and started to fidget. I look back at him and he repeats himself.
"Good. You?" His face was a bit red and he had a different smile on his face. Maybe he was embarrassed or maybe be was aggravated.. I'm not sure which.

"That's good. I'm not doing too OK." I replied remembering the good/bad news I received today.

(I am not saying what the news was for a couple more chapters. But if you I.M. me I can tell you before hand.)

"Oh.. Hey I like your hair." He said it quickly and looked down, blushing a little bit. My stomach dropped, then proceeded to do flips and somehow managed to catch a herd of butterflies. I felt my cheeks get hot and all my words got caught in my throat. He looked back up at me, with a side smile, blushing just a bit more, making me melt. Finally finding my words I replied.

"T-Thanks. I was straightening it dismorning and was wondering if it was really worth it." I replied then immediately sunk in my seat. The way it came out was like I was doing it for him! I looked at him slowly and saw him smiling a mile wide, cheeks burning red, and not able to talk without studdering.

  (He said he liked my hair! Not that it looks nice but that HE like it!!! I can't get the memory out of my head as I lie in bed, playing it over and over. What do you guys think?)

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