The End- Part 2 Smoky

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(So I thought a bit before deciding to answer to smoky)

I don't want either one of us to get hurt


I think we can try it for a little bit... but if it doesn't work out, no harsh feelings?

Okay that sounds great.

    I talked to him a bit, and we held hands on the way to class. I felt bad like maybe, I was using him to get to Bob. I didn't want him to be the rebound guy. I talked to my friends, and the biggest thing was that I could be myself around him, so I decided to say yes. He seemed pretty sweet, and then he texted me.

Hey babe, doing anything tonight? If not want to go to church with me?

Sounds nice, but I am heading to Duncan today. 

Oh... love you

Love is a strong word... let's take it slow?

Sure thing... sorry

For what?

Saying love you

  The moment he sent the text saying, "I love you" my stomach jumped, and I felt a darkness wrap around me. I realized dating him was a bad decision, not because of him but, I wasn't ready for a relationship. I was using him as a rebound guy, and I felt bad. Also, he was taking things really fast, and being touchy. He was holding hands, and I like to take things slow, not hold hands until I know the person the better. I just didn't know how to tell him. 

    I walked out of my last classroom, my stomach sank, and I felt like crying as I said goodbye for the last time. I walked down the hall, knowing it was the last time I will, I looked at the posters on the wall, and all the people bustling about around me. I realized, I'm going to miss the place. As I was walking outside, Smoky caught up next to me. We walked in an awkward silence, and I couldn't bring myself to tell him he was the rebound guy. Before I knew it we were at the bus, I hugged him and gave him a farewell. I got on the bus, and sat down. Awaiting for my last bus ride, the last time walking off the bus to this house.

(Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! This is the last update, as I move to a new town, and to a new school. If i get a new crush I may make a new book. I will update with any news with Smoky. What is your opinion? Should I stay with him? Or break up? Thanks again for so many reads!)

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