Our First Convo

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  So, we have talked, laughed, and traded remarks during class. That is about the much of our communication. Well, today was a bit different. So, there is this guy who stand by desk while talking to Bob. I normally don't mind BUT, this time his BUTT was touching my desk! So I slowly pushed him out if the way and then sat down. The guy looked at me like I was crazy, and then sat in his desk. Bob, well he started laughing and we started our first conversation. Our teacher came in and said that it is, indeed first day of Fall.

"I can't wait, no more shorts." Bob said excitedly.

"Yeah, sweater season! And no more shaving!" I said not expecting him to hear me. I guess I was just comfortable enough to say it.... but I'm not sure why.

"You know between shaving and periods girls have it pretty bad. Shaving seems to be what girls are waiting for now." Bob told me with worry in his eyes. I was shocked! I mean a guy bringing this up, with that kind of view! I mean wow! He looked like he was waiting for a response, and that maybe I would be mad at him or something.

"Well, yeah that's true, but guys have pretty bad as well. I mean you have to go through stuff girls don't have to worry about." I replied. This time, it was me who was worried he would be mad, or disagree.

"Maybe, but when it comes down to boys and girls, overall girls have it pretty bad." He is looking at me with a big smile, all the while talking with his hands. It was pretty interesting, watching his hands go back and forth as if he is trying to lay out the difference of a girl and boy in the air.

"Well, yeah that's true. Girls do have it pretty tough but, guys have many things to worry about as well." I said. I agreed us girls had it pretty bad, but I also think that guys have certain things that girls can't even imagine about.

"Yeah." Bob responded, smiling and nodding his head. We held eye contact, smiling, until the teacher said it was time to start class.

(Hey guys! What do you think? Do you think he likes me? Or is he just messing with me? Any response would be great!)

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