Touchy With The New Guy

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       (There is a guy in my 6 hour that I haven't really noticed. He sits next to me, and I have talked to him a bit but, that was the length of our relationship. Today, well I think our relationship just grew. He does say comments during class, but not much. He is normally quiet, and frowns quite a bit. After 6 hour I walked out a bit disappointed, I wanted to tell Bob how I felt, but he was gone. To my surprise the guy who sits next to me walked up beside me and started talking. It was a bit odd. He doesn't talk much, and when he does he normally cusses.... a lot.)

"Hey" he said smiling. I looked at him and smiled back. It wasn't awkward like I thought it would be. It actually, was kind of comfortable. 

"Hey, how's it going?" I asked. I kept glancing at him for the halls were very crowded, due to construction, and I had to look where I was going.

"Pretty good, you?" He asked smiling. 

"Same." We were walking behind someone slow and I saw a neon green card on his backpack. I quietly and gently flipped it over, and saw a guy's name. Kevin. "Woo! Kevin! What up?" I said loudly. He turned around and looked at me weirdly. 

"Okay.." he replied and then started to awkwardly walk away fast. I chuckled but then remembered he was standing by me, and felt my cheeks get hot. I looked at him embarrassingly, and he smiled back. 

"Did you know him?" He asked.

"Nope. Just saw that he had a name tag." I said blushing.

    It is hard for me to be myself around others. I have always had a little fear of others being mean or something, so I just gave up on being myself. But, I looked at him and he looked at me in such a way that, I felt comfortable to be myself. It was a feeling I have never had before, he didn't judge me, nor make fun of me, or try to run off in embarrassment. He just looked at me in a way I can't describe. He chuckled and we continued down the hall. 

"So, did you have any pizza at lunch?" I asked. (They were selling boxes of Little Caesar's Pizza for $5 a box at lunch today.)

"Yeah I did, it was pretty good." He replied.

"What is your favorite kind of pizza?" I asked, for some odd ball reason.

"Oh I don't know. There is quite a bit of choices, but if I had to pick one... hmm.. it would have to be sausage." He said nodding like he was confirming his decision.

"Sausage? That sounds good. Mine is cheese." I said as we walked in the hall. A guy walked in front of me and started to walk slow while looking at someone beside me. I pushed his bag a bit because he almost stopped in the middle of the hall, and then he started walking weirdly. I didn't know if he was going to go forward or if he was going to turn to the side, for there were spaces on around him. After Smoky saw my aggravation he shouted at the guy.

"Yo, Carson get the h*** out of the young lady's way!" Smoky yelled. The guy turned around and then walked away quickly. I looked at Smoky, guy who was beside me after class, and smiled. He was being pretty nice. "Sorry, saw he was in front of you and that you were getting upset." He said shamefully and looked down.

"Thanks." I said, and felt an odd familiar acceptance in my chest. "Let's see... random subject.... favorite-" I got cut off as a door swung open and everyone jumped, leaving me a direct path for collision. Suddenly I felt soft hands gently land on my shoulders and guide out of the path.

"Look out. I don't want you getting hit." He said in a soft voice. At first I jumped to his hand, but then.... he removed them off my shoulders immediately and looked down embarrassed. I looked up and grinned.

"Thanks." He smiled back and we started walk across the commence area. Suddenly, someone yelled across the room.

"Yo, Smoky! Halo V(?) is coming out soon!" He said. Smoky just nodded and looked a bit uncomfortable.

"Halo?" I asked.

"Yeah it's my favorite game." He said looking down.

"Have you ever played Elder Scrolls?" I asked a bit half-heartedly. I wasn't sure if he has, especially since Bob said he did, then turned around and said he hasn't "really" played the game. Smoky smiled real big and chuckled.

"Actually yes. Yes I have." He replied with excitement in his voice.

"Which is your favorite?" I asked.


"No way! I am legit playing that right now. I am about half way through the main story line, and doing all these side quest." I said excitedly. He looked at me and smiled. We arrived at a intersection of people and I was waiting to allow him go first but instead, he stood behind me. He slowly put his hands on my shoulders again and gently pushed me through the crowd.

"Sorry, but ladies first." He said in a kind way. I looked at him and smiled.  We continued our conversation about Skyrim until I got to my class.

"What class you going to?" He asked a bit hesitantly.

"As a matter of fact this one." I replied just as we arrived to it. He smiled and looked at me.

"Well have fun." He said and opened his arms up for a hug. It caught me by surprise, and I hesitated, but then accepted it. We embraced and I had to catch myself from resting my head on his shoulder. The hug was pretty cool, it wasn't awkward, he didn't try to grab anything, it didn't feel wrong, and honestly.... it was pretty nice. 

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