The End-Part 1 Secret Revealed

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(I guess all good things must come to an end... 600 reads! Thank you guys so much for being there for me on the journey of my life.)

"Today is my last day" I said quietly looking down at Smoky.

"What!?.. I'm going to miss you." He replied. 

 ********  24 HOURS EARLIER******

    I was given the news I would be moving an hour and half away a month ago. We weren't sure when it was going to happen, but we knew it would be in November. I let my friends know, and we didn't really discuss it much. I came home on Monday and when I walked in the door I was given some unexpected news.

"Sara you won't be going to school on Thursday." My dad announced. 

"What? Why?" I asked knowing that I can't have that many absences on my record before we transfer schools.

"Mom has an interview in Duncan on Thursday, so we will all be going down there. I work on Thursday in Duncan so I will be there as well." My dad replied enthusiastically. 

"Oh. Well hey, when is my last day of school?" I asked remembering my friends asking me. My dad looked at my Mom and they discussed a little bit and then turned to me with a answer.

"Tomorrow will be your last day." My dad said without a hint of care in his voice. It took me a bit by surprise, but I knew this day was going to happen soon. I figured that since things went south with Bob, it really wouldn't be that bad of idea.

"Okay, works for me. I can say all my goodbyes."

*********** PRESENT TIME **********

"Sorry, I found out yesterday." I replied. Me and Smoky haven't talked much lately, and I just ran into him on the way to breakfast. 

"Oh." He said.

"Hey can I have your number?" I asked, figuring we could talk after I moved away. He smiled and gave it to me. Then he turned and gave me a hug, his lips brushing by my cheek, like he was going to kiss me... but he didn't. Then he was gone.

     All day tears were shed. I asked my teachers if I had any work to turn in and they all said no, and most of them started tearing up and some cried when I gave them the news. I carried the secret with me for about a month now, not telling anyone except a select few, and I was a bit relieved to finally let it out. It made me a bit upset, but also helped me realize that I was wanted there. I have been here 4 months, and I was surprised to see the impact I have left. All day, I gave out my number to some friends I made, and I took in every classroom, knowing this may be the last time I may see them. At lunch I got up to go to the restroom when I see Smoky sitting on the ground. I didn't realize it was him until I was right in front of him.


"Hey" he replied. I went to go dump my water bottle when I feel something on my waist. I look down to see Smoky wrapping his arms around my waist, and resting his head on my shoulder.

"I'm going to miss you." He whispered in my ear. I whipped around, pushed him back, and held up my fist from punching him in the face. He jumped back and I began to walk away. He caught up to me and apologized. We started talking, and I leaned against the wall, and before I knew it, he was putting his arm around my shoulder. We talked a bit more and than I left to go get my bag, and talk to my friends. That's when I receive a text from Smoky

Hey I was wondering if you would go out with me?

Umm... well today is my last day I don't think it would be a good choice to try to date

If I am in contact with you, distance won't matter...

(Well, that is part 1)

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