Drifting Away?

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(Contains suicide. If your not comfortable please don't read, or skip to the bottom part.)

  Me and Bob, well we haven't been the same. Yesterday, we found out that a cheerleader committed suicide, around midnight. A lot of people were surprised and shaken up by it. I didn't know the girl, but multiple people were crying. The school had groups of student is random parts of the hall, as a support group, and they told the teachers to excuse any tardy, and to let everyone go easy. All day long, I saw everyone broken up, and I wished whoever it was that took her own life, that she could see how many people did miss her. I got to 6 hour, and saw that Bob was not smiling like he used to.

"Did you know her?" I asked sympathetically.

"Sort of, we talked a couple times, but not really." He sighs and looks down, playing with his thumbs.

"I see, well I am sorry." I respond. He looks at me with a sad smile, and then drifts away. After class I try to give him a soft nudge, but he was out the door.


  Well, it has been 2 days since the suicide, and thanks have calmed down a bit. He didn't stop for me in 1 hour, and he doesn't walk with me in the hall no more. In 6 hour I sit down and I started to wonder why he doesn't talk to me no more. I began to realize, maybe he was seeing if I would start the conversation first. It seemed logical to me, so I decided to try it out.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask, trying not to force a conversation, but nudge it a bit.

"Pretty good. How about you?" He asks smiling.

"Gggrrreeeaatt!" I said a bit too long, wondering if he would catch the pun.

"Well, that's better than good." He nods and started to look away.

"Yeah, so any plans for Fall Break?" I ask, trying to keep the conversation going.

"No, none at all." He says confidently, and I am pretty sure he winked at me. I smile back. "How about you?" He asks quickly.

"Well, I have orientation tomorrow at 10, and then I start work on Saturday." I said a bit hesitantly, not expecting him to pay attention. Nothing against guys, but when girls start to talk about plans they seem to well... drift away.

"Orientation? What is that?" He asks, his voice full of curiosity.

"It is pretty much training at Braum's." I respond, hoping he will understand.

"Training? At Brau- Oh! Oh! Training! Yeah!" He quickly says, his face going from confusion, to understanding, to embarrassment all to quickly. He blushes full out, from his cheeks, to his neck, to his shoulders. I chuckle and nod at him. 

"Yeah." I said trying not to laugh. I didn't want to laugh at him, but with him. He kept looking away laughing nervously and then looking back at me. All throughout class he kept looking at me and blushing. After class when I went up to him, he was out the door before I could blink. 

(What do you guys think? Is he drifting away? What would you do?)

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