I'm Confused

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(I missed school yesterday because I had to go get my food handler permit, i.d., and fill out papers at the DMV)

  I am in a good mood. Have cleared my absence to an excused absence, and have just walked into my first hour, and found out I have no make up work! A little happy dance was done. Then I sat down. We got a new seating chart and I was sitting in the back row. Bob comes in, and glances my direction, then moves his eyes to the ground and smiles, his cheeks turning a bit red. That's new I said to myself. Made my stomach do a little flip.

  I finished the quiz and fell asleep, well zoned out, and when I looked up Bob was talking to someone who was looking right at me with raised eyebrows! Bob is facing the front of the room, and the guy he was talking to was turned around.

(We had a test today, so once everyone was done we got to do whatever, including talking.)

  So I look away for a second and turn back towards him, the guy is now smiling really big, says something to Bob, and Bob turns to look at me!  Bob smiles and starts talking to the guy, who continually looks at me and raise an eyebrow. I talk to my the person to my side, make a few jokes, and every time I glance upwards toward Bob, the guy will smile and say something to him!

What is going on? I missed a day, just so happened to be after I asked him about getting a sundae, and now he keeps looking at me? Did I do something!?

  The bell rings and I am heading out the door, I run into the guy and Bob who stops and let's me pass, which has never happened!

"Hey sara." Bob said with something in his voice.

"H - hey Bob!" I said stuttering, why!? Why did I stutter!? I haven't stuttered to talking to him! Wait- yeah I have.

Anyways, what's up with him saying hi!? And then he walked right behind me through the hallway. I was to scared to turn and talk to him.... I don't know what to do! I am confused.... do you think he likes me!? Or maybe he is just playing with me!? Is it because of the sundae thing!? Please I need advice!


  So in 6 hour I walked in, and he waved with his whole arm around and yelled,

"Hey Sara!". I thought it was a bit weird. 

Anyways, during class he kept trying to talk to me, in a subtle way. But, when I looked over he would just smile and nod. This is pretty strange. I was going to apologize if I made things awkward on Monday, but after class he left the room faster then I have ever seen. I need some advice! 

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