The Other Guy

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  I have eyes for a guy named Bob. But, I am afraid there may be someone who has eyes for me. I say this as if someone may, haha they probably don't. I have noticed the way he talks though, and it seems to be changing. Let me catch you up.

   So, in my 7 hour is a guy named Billy. He is a Junior, and he is pretty cool. We began to talk and found out we have some common interest. We both like Marvel, DC, and some other shows. We talked before and after class, and he began to open up to me. He told me some personal things, which I will not put in the open, and I feel as if I can trust him. The thing is, he is a lot like my Dad. Which is strange, right? He has the same personality, and the same interests that my dad does. I thought it was a bit strange. Top it off, he has the same NAME! Yeah, he has the same name as my Dad! I was beginning to think it was strange too! Then we had a pretty interesting conversation today that sent chills up my spine. 

"Hey, you okay?" He ask me with concern in his eyes. It threw me a bit off guard. 

"No, not really. I don't feel very good." I said a bit surprised. I woke up good, but halfway through the day I began to get sick. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. What is hurting?" He asks voice full of empathy. 

"My throat burns, and everything is sore." I said, not really expecting him to pay attention. Nothing about him, but you know how some people ask but not really caring. 

"Oh, that sucks.... I am sorry but I can't seem to remember your name." He said holding eye contact then quickly looking away.

"Sara" I say with a smile.

"Oh, that's... that's a bit strange." He said trailing off. I tilted my head to the side and raised an eyebrow in confusion. He looked at me and continued.

"You see, well... well there is.. or was... a spirit that followed me through out my life. she was just a dark figure, you couldn't make out her features. Anyways, I called her Sara, instead of just calling her a dark ghost. But, the strangest part, is that since I have met you... well I haven't seen her. She disappeared." He looks at me, with fear of rejection in his eyes.

"Oh" I say as I let it soak in. "Is that a good thing or bad thing" I ask. We walk to the hall since the bell ran.

(I know this a controversial topic but I do believe in ghost and spirits. Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, just recording what he said.)

"It is about 50/50. Well, I have to walk home so, have a nice weekend." He responds avoiding eye contact.

"Ah, I see. Okay, stay safe and maybe you can see her this weekend." I say and he cracks a smile. Then we went our separate ways. 

So, what do you guys think? I doubt he likes me, but is the sara thing a bit strange? Any advice? 

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