10: "It's no wonder they call it 'wanderlust'."

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In case you wanted a visual of how Ashton looks in this story

In case you wanted a visual of how Ashton looks in this story

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Rays of Sunshine Daycare is a truly amazing facility.

Calum has worked here for the last two and a half years. Every day, my heart pangs with slight regret at the fact that I didn't apply when they were hiring.

It takes a kind heart, a patient attitude, and an open mind to work here. The children are the sweetest you'll ever hope to meet, without a care in the world, mindlessly exhibiting kindness to anyone and everyone.

Calum teaches the four year old kids every other day after school. The day care runs through the afternoon until all the parents get off of work. I occasionally stop by to bring him some dinner or a soda or whatever he may be craving that particular evening.

Today, as was requested, I bring home some McDonald's, despite how much I had begged him not to make me go there. He loves the place and I personally loathe it. So with a stubborn attitude, I pick up his favorite: a Big Mac without tomatoes, and head over to Rays of Sunshine.

Now, when I say I visit 'occasionally', I really mean that the kids get very distracted by my presence. They usually and excitedly shout my name when they see me and I've grown to love all of them with all my heart.

I park my dusty pickup in the lot, grab Calum's food, and start walking up towards the entrance, smiling when I pass the front desk at Mrs. Anderson.

Mrs. Anderson is the sweetest forty-something-year-old lady you'll ever hope to meet. She's Calum's boss and the principal of the daycare. Everything about her is warm and full of kindness. Her slight southern accent makes her all the more lovable.

"Hello, Ashton." She nods respectfully at me, "I see that Mr. Calum has requested his daily takeout."

"He sure has." I chuckle, nodding slightly, biting my lip out of habit.

"Well, I'm certain that his kiddos would be just over the moon to see ya. Go on." She smiles, dismissing me.

I smile back at her, turn around and start towards his classroom-which he spent half of his summer decorating for the kids, may I add. Every teacher picks a special theme for their class, and Cal picked 'under the sea'. His crafts, books, and lessons all tie in with the theme. Boy, does he love his job.

I knock on his door twice before pushing the door open quietly and smiling when I see all seven of his usual kids surrounding him in the reading circle. Each one of the students is sitting on one of Mr.Octo's tentacles. (Mr. Octo is a rug depicting a big ass octopus on it, the tentacles all spread out, each of which a different color.)

"-'up to the ceiling. I looked up there too, but-'" Calum is reading from a chapter book quite dramatically for the kids, but when he hears the door close he looks up and smiles at me.

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