23: "Such a celestial love could not be anything but infinite."

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(Dive and Perfect by Ed Sheeran fit pretty well here. Sorry I'm Divide trash and all these songs are in the playlist now ok, bye.)

Third person

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Third person

The innocent sun sat against a tree, the damp grass twisting beneath her fingertips as she anxiously pondered and pondered until her mind begged for mercy. Chasing Cars was playing time after time from her headphones.

She wanted to forget the dance, she wanted to forget the throbbing pain in her head, she just wanted to forget what it was like to fight her own thoughts.

The naive star was frantic, having texted her mother to see if the innocent sun had made it home safe and sound. She had gleefully responded that she hadn't yet, and must still be with the boy with the golden heart. Knowing that she would've texted her mom when she had gone home, and that the dance was long over, his mind had begun to race.

Still, she sat alone, watching the sky above her twinkle, unaware that the boy with emerald eyes was so very near to her. She closed her eyes, hoping sleep would overcome her. She knew she'd ruined for first and only prom, and the thought was like a stab to the chest.

Her eyes remained closed as she prayed for her anxiety to pass, she prayed that Luke had more time on this earth, she prayed for Ashton and for him to be sober. Her prayers turned to tears as loneliness overpowered her hope, but she didn't sob. Her tears silently left the same streaks of make up down her cheeks as they always did.

"Why me?" She whispered harshly, "Why an anxious mess? Why was I meant to be this way?"

The demands were directed at no one in particular, but Kat needed to hear them out loud, desperate for some sort of explanation.

"Why Luke? Why does cancer have to plague his lungs?" She demanded again, the years starting to leak into her voice, so much so that she hardly noticed a familiar pickup pull up to that same parking spot that it always had.

"Why Ashton...?" She whimpered, her fingers predictably fumbling with the gem around her neck, "Why does he cleanse himself with alcohol? W-why...?" She broke off, the tears becoming to much for her as they finally spilled out as they always had done.

Ashton was fumbling with the keys on his lanyard to lock his truck up, hoping by some miracle he would find her. He so desperately wanted to talk with her, to clear his thoughts, to say his apologies, to hold her again.

Hardly dressed for such damp weather, Kat began to shiver, the blue fabric of her dress doing little to keep her warm. Ashton wore a hoodie, old pajama pants, as he'd woken up in a cold sweat just moments before this. As he walked towards the Cliffside, she paid no attention to his footfall.

He laid eyes on her and his worry melted like snow. He saw her dress and how she looked in the low light and his heart picked up its pace, eager to feel her heart against it.

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